slb service-group

Service Group

service-group Specification

Parameter Value
Type Collection
Object Key(s) name
Collection Name service-group-list
Collection URI /axapi/v3/slb/service-group
Element Name service-group
Element URI /axapi/v3/slb/service-group/{name}
Element Attributes service-group_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/service-group/{name}/stats
Operational Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/service-group/{name}/oper
Schema service-group schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



service-group attributes

Create List



service-group attributes

Get Object



service-group attributes

Get List




Modify Object



service-group attributes

Replace Object



service-group attributes

Replace List




Delete Object



service-group attributes


service-group-list is JSON List of service-group attributes

service-group-list : [

service-group attributes


Description Send log info on back up server events

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Dynamically enable stateless method by conn-rate (Rate to trigger stateless method(conn/sec))

Type: number

Range: 1-1000000

Mutual Exclusion: conn-rate and l4-session-usage are mutually exclusive


Description Period that trigger condition consistently happens(seconds)

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Define the grace period during transition (Define the grace period during transition(seconds))

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Send log if transition happens

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Period that revert condition consistently happens(seconds)

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Rate to revert to statelful method (conn/sec)

Type: number

Range: 1-1000000


Description Enable extended statistics on service group

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Health Check (Monitor Name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Mutual Exclusion: health-check, shared-partition-svcgrp-health-check, and health-check-disable are mutually exclusive

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/health/monitor


Description Disable health check

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: health-check-disable,health-check, shared-partition-svcgrp-health-check, and svcgrp-health-check-shared are mutually exclusive


Description Period that revert condition consistently happens(seconds)

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Dynamically enable stateless method by session usage (Usage to trigger stateless method)

Type: number

Range: 1-100

Mutual Exclusion: l4-session-usage and conn-rate are mutually exclusive


Description Period that trigger condition consistently happens(seconds)

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Define the grace period during transition (Define the grace period during transition(seconds))

Type: number

Range: 1-600


Description Send log if transition happens

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Usage to revert to statelful method

Type: number

Range: 1-100


Description ‘dst-ip-hash’: Load-balancing based on only Dst IP and Port hash; ‘dst-ip-only-hash’: Load-balancing based on only Dst IP hash; ‘fastest-response’: Fastest response time on service port level; ‘least-request’: Least request on service port level; ‘src-ip-hash’: Load-balancing based on only Src IP and Port hash; ‘src-ip-only-hash’: Load-balancing based on only Src IP hash; ‘weighted-rr’: Weighted round robin on server level; ‘service-weighted-rr’: Weighted round robin on service port level; ‘round-robin’: Round robin on server level; ‘round-robin-strict’: Strict mode round robin on server level; ‘odd-even-hash’: odd/even hash based of client src-ip;

Type: string

Supported Values: dst-ip-hash, dst-ip-only-hash, fastest-response, least-request, src-ip-hash, src-ip-only-hash, weighted-rr, service-weighted-rr, round-robin, round-robin-strict, odd-even-hash

Default: round-robin

Mutual Exclusion: lb-method,lrprr-method, lc-method, stateless-lb-method, llb-method, and lclb-method are mutually exclusive


Description ‘least-connection’: Least connection on server level; ‘service-least-connection’: Least connection on service port level; ‘weighted-least-connection’: Weighted least connection on server level; ‘service-weighted-least-connection’: Weighted least connection on service port level;

Type: string

Supported Values: least-connection, service-least-connection, weighted-least-connection, service-weighted-least-connection

Mutual Exclusion: lc-method,lb-method, lrprr-method, stateless-lb-method, llb-method, and lclb-method are mutually exclusive


Description ‘link-cost-load-balance’: Link cost load balance;

Type: string

Supported Values: link-cost-load-balance

Mutual Exclusion: lclb-method,lb-method, lrprr-method, lc-method, stateless-lb-method, and llb-method are mutually exclusive


Description Link Probe template (Link Probe template name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/link-probe


Description ‘next-hop-link’: Server selection w/ link probe template on service port level;

Type: string

Supported Values: next-hop-link

Mutual Exclusion: llb-method,lb-method, lrprr-method, lc-method, stateless-lb-method, and lclb-method are mutually exclusive


Description ‘service-least-request-pseudo-round-robin’: Least request on service port level and select the oldest node for sub-select;

Type: string

Supported Values: service-least-request-pseudo-round-robin

Mutual Exclusion: lrprr-method,lb-method, lc-method, stateless-lb-method, llb-method, and lclb-method are mutually exclusive



Description Minimum Active Member Per Priority (Minimum Active Member before Action)

Type: number

Range: 1-1024


Description ‘dynamic-priority’: dynamic change member priority to met the min-active-member requirement; ‘skip-pri-set’: Skip Current Priority Set If Min not met;

Type: string

Supported Values: dynamic-priority, skip-pri-set


Description SLB Service Name

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description ‘global’: Use Global Configuration; ‘enable’: Enable persist-scoring; ‘disable’: Disable persist-scoring;

Type: string

Supported Values: global, enable, disable

Default: global


Type: List


Description Priority affinity. Persist to the same priority if possible.

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description ‘tcp’: TCP LB service; ‘udp’: UDP LB service;

Type: string

Supported Values: tcp, udp


Description PRR, select the oldest node for sub-select

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Reporting frequency (in minutes)

Type: number

Range: 1-7200


Description: reset is a JSON Block. Please see below for reset

Type: Object

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/service-group/{name}/reset


Description Send reset to client if server selection fails

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Reset

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Report top 10 fastest/slowest servers

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description sample server response time

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Type: List


Description Reference a policy template from shared partition

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: shared-partition-policy-template and template-policy are mutually exclusive


Description Reference a health-check from shared partition

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: shared-partition-svcgrp-health-check, health-check, and health-check-disable are mutually exclusive


Description Enable auto stateless method

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description ‘stateless-dst-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on Dst IP and Dst port hash; ‘stateless-per-pkt-round-robin’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet round-robin; ‘stateless-src-dst-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on IP and port hash for both Src and Dst; ‘stateless-src-dst-ip-only-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on only IP hash for both Src and Dst; ‘stateless-src-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on Src IP and Src port hash; ‘stateless-src-ip-only-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on only Src IP hash; ‘stateless-per-pkt-weighted-rr’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet weighted round robin on server level; ‘stateless-per-pkt-service-weighted-rr’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet weighted round robin on service port level;

Type: string

Supported Values: stateless-dst-ip-hash, stateless-per-pkt-round-robin, stateless-src-dst-ip-hash, stateless-src-dst-ip-only-hash, stateless-src-ip-hash, stateless-src-ip-only-hash, stateless-per-pkt-weighted-rr, stateless-per-pkt-service-weighted-rr

Mutual Exclusion: stateless-lb-method,lb-method, lrprr-method, lc-method, llb-method, and lclb-method are mutually exclusive


Description ‘stateless-dst-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on Dst IP and Dst port hash; ‘stateless-per-pkt-round-robin’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet round-robin; ‘stateless-src-dst-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on IP and port hash for both Src and Dst; ‘stateless-src-dst-ip-only-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on only IP hash for both Src and Dst; ‘stateless-src-ip-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on Src IP and Src port hash; ‘stateless-src-ip-only-hash’: Stateless load-balancing based on only Src IP hash; ‘stateless-per-pkt-weighted-rr’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet weighted round robin on server level; ‘stateless-per-pkt-service-weighted-rr’: Stateless load-balancing using per-packet weighted round robin on service port level;

Type: string

Supported Values: stateless-dst-ip-hash, stateless-per-pkt-round-robin, stateless-src-dst-ip-hash, stateless-src-dst-ip-only-hash, stateless-src-ip-hash, stateless-src-ip-only-hash, stateless-per-pkt-weighted-rr, stateless-per-pkt-service-weighted-rr


Description ‘stats-data-enable’: Enable statistical data collection for service group; ‘stats-data-disable’: Disable statistical data collection for service group;

Type: string

Supported Values: stats-data-enable, stats-data-disable

Default: stats-data-enable


Description strict selection

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Health Check (Monitor Name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Mutual Exclusion: svcgrp-health-check-shared and health-check-disable are mutually exclusive

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/health/monitor


Description Policy template (Policy template name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Mutual Exclusion: template-policy and shared-partition-policy-template are mutually exclusive

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/policy


Description Policy template

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/policy


Description Port template (Port template name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/port


Description Report top 10 fastest servers

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Report top 10 slowest servers

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Mirror Bi-directional Packet

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: traffic-replication-mirror,traffic-replication-mirror-da-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-ip-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-sa-da-repl, and traffic-replication-mirror-sa-repl are mutually exclusive


Description Replace Destination MAC

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: traffic-replication-mirror-da-repl,traffic-replication-mirror, traffic-replication-mirror-ip-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-sa-da-repl, and traffic-replication-mirror-sa-repl are mutually exclusive


Description Replaces IP with server-IP

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: traffic-replication-mirror-ip-repl,traffic-replication-mirror, traffic-replication-mirror-da-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-sa-da-repl, and traffic-replication-mirror-sa-repl are mutually exclusive


Description Replace Source MAC and Destination MAC

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: traffic-replication-mirror-sa-da-repl,traffic-replication-mirror, traffic-replication-mirror-da-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-ip-repl, and traffic-replication-mirror-sa-repl are mutually exclusive


Description Replace Source MAC

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: traffic-replication-mirror-sa-repl,traffic-replication-mirror, traffic-replication-mirror-da-repl, traffic-replication-mirror-ip-repl, and traffic-replication-mirror-sa-da-repl are mutually exclusive


Description Customized tag

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Server hostname - Not applicable if real server is already defined

Type: string

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description IP Address - Not applicable if real server is already defined

Type: string

Format: ipv4-address


Description Priority of Port in the Group (Priority of Port in the Group, default is 1)

Type: number

Range: 1-16

Default: 1


Description ‘enable’: Enable member service port; ‘disable’: Disable member service port; ‘disable-with-health-check’: disable member service port, but health check work;

Type: string

Supported Values: enable, disable, disable-with-health-check

Default: enable


Description Disable statistical data collection

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description Real server port template (Real server port template name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/port


Description Member name

Type: string

Format: comp-string

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/server


Description Port number

Type: number

Range: 0-65534

Default: 65534

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/server/port


Description ‘resolve-to-ipv4’: Use A Query only to resolve FQDN; ‘resolve-to-ipv6’: Use AAAA Query only to resolve FQDN; ‘resolve-to-ipv4-and-ipv6’: Use A as well as AAAA Query to resolve FQDN;

Type: string

Supported Values: resolve-to-ipv4, resolve-to-ipv6, resolve-to-ipv4-and-ipv6

Default: resolve-to-ipv4


Type: List


Description IPV6 Address - Not applicable if real server is already defined

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address


Description Customized tag

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘total_fwd_bytes’: Bytes processed in forward direction; ‘total_fwd_pkts’: Packets processed in forward direction; ‘total_rev_bytes’: Bytes processed in reverse direction; ‘total_rev_pkts’: Packets processed in reverse direction; ‘total_conn’: Total established connections; ‘total_rev_pkts_inspected’: Total reverse packets inspected; ‘total_rev_pkts_inspected_status_code_2xx’: Total reverse packets inspected status code 2xx; ‘total_rev_pkts_inspected_status_code_non_5xx’: Total reverse packets inspected status code non 5xx; ‘curr_req’: Current requests; ‘total_req’: Total requests; ‘total_req_succ’: Total requests successful; ‘peak_conn’: Peak connections; ‘response_time’: Response time; ‘fastest_rsp_time’: Fastest response time; ‘slowest_rsp_time’: Slowest response time; ‘curr_ssl_conn’: Current SSL connections; ‘total_ssl_conn’: Total SSL connections; ‘curr_conn_overflow’: Current connection counter overflow count; ‘state_flaps’: State flaps count;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, total_fwd_bytes, total_fwd_pkts, total_rev_bytes, total_rev_pkts, total_conn, total_rev_pkts_inspected, total_rev_pkts_inspected_status_code_2xx, total_rev_pkts_inspected_status_code_non_5xx, curr_req, total_req, total_req_succ, peak_conn, response_time, fastest_rsp_time, slowest_rsp_time, curr_ssl_conn, total_ssl_conn, curr_conn_overflow, state_flaps


Specification Value
Type object


Description Reset auto stateless state

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Priority option. Define different action for each priority node. (Priority in the Group)

Type: number

Range: 1-16


Description ‘drop’: Drop request when all priority nodes fail; ‘drop-if-exceed-limit’: Drop request when connection over limit; ‘proceed’: Proceed to next priority when all priority nodes fail(default); ‘reset’: Send client reset when all priority nodes fail; ‘reset-if-exceed-limit’: Send client reset when connection over limit;

Type: string

Supported Values: drop, drop-if-exceed-limit, proceed, reset, reset-if-exceed-limit

Default: proceed


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘server_selection_fail_drop’: Drops due to Service selection failure; ‘server_selection_fail_reset’: Resets sent out for Service selection failure; ‘service_peak_conn’: Peak connection count for the Service Group; ‘service_healthy_host’: Service Group healthy host count; ‘service_unhealthy_host’: Service Group unhealthy host count; ‘service_req_count’: Service Group request count; ‘service_resp_count’: Service Group response count; ‘service_resp_2xx’: Service Group response 2xx count; ‘service_resp_3xx’: Service Group response 3xx count; ‘service_resp_4xx’: Service Group response 4xx count; ‘service_resp_5xx’: Service Group response 5xx count; ‘service_curr_conn_overflow’: Current connection counter overflow count;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, server_selection_fail_drop, server_selection_fail_reset, service_peak_conn, service_healthy_host, service_unhealthy_host, service_req_count, service_resp_count, service_resp_2xx, service_resp_3xx, service_resp_4xx, service_resp_5xx, service_curr_conn_overflow