slb generic-proxy

Configure Generic Proxy

generic-proxy Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name generic-proxy
Element URI /axapi/v3/slb/generic-proxy
Element Attributes generic-proxy_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/generic-proxy/stats
Operational Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/generic-proxy/oper
Schema generic-proxy schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



generic-proxy attributes

Get Object



generic-proxy attributes

Modify Object



generic-proxy attributes

Replace Object



generic-proxy attributes

Delete Object



generic-proxy attributes

generic-proxy attributes


Type: List


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘num’: Number; ‘curr’: Current; ‘total’: Total; ‘svrsel_fail’: Number of server selection failed; ‘no_route’: Number of no routes; ‘snat_fail’: Number of snat failures; ‘client_fail’: Number of client failures; ‘server_fail’: Number of server failures; ‘no_sess’: Number of no sessions; ‘user_session’: Number of user sessions; ‘acr_out’: Number of ACRs out; ‘acr_in’: Number of ACRs in; ‘aca_out’: Number of ACAs out; ‘aca_in’: Number of ACAs in; ‘cea_out’: Number of CEAs out; ‘cea_in’: Number of CEAs in; ‘cer_out’: Number of CERs out; ‘cer_in’: Number of CERs in; ‘dwr_out’: Number of DWRs out; ‘dwr_in’: Number of DWRs in; ‘dwa_out’: Number of DWAs out; ‘dwa_in’: Number of DWAs in; ‘str_out’: Number of STRs out; ‘str_in’: Number of STRs in; ‘sta_out’: Number of STAs out; ‘sta_in’: Number of STAs in; ‘asr_out’: Number of ASRs out; ‘asr_in’: Number of ASRs in; ‘asa_out’: Number of ASAs out; ‘asa_in’: Number of ASAs in; ‘other_out’: Number of other messages out; ‘other_in’: Number of other messages in; ‘total_http_req_enter_gen’: Total number of HTTP requests enter generic proxy; ‘mismatch_fwd_id’: Diameter mismatch fwd session id; ‘mismatch_rev_id’: Diameter mismatch rev session id; ‘unkwn_cmd_code’: Diameter unkown cmd code; ‘no_session_id’: Diameter no session id avp; ‘no_fwd_tuple’: Diameter no fwd tuple matched; ‘no_rev_tuple’: Diameter no rev tuple matched; ‘dcmsg_fwd_in’: Diameter cross cpu fwd in; ‘dcmsg_fwd_out’: Diameter cross cpu fwd out; ‘dcmsg_rev_in’: Diameter cross cpu rev in; ‘dcmsg_rev_out’: Diameter cross cpu rev out; ‘dcmsg_error’: Diameter cross cpu error; ‘retry_client_request’: Diameter retry client request; ‘retry_client_request_fail’: Diameter retry client request fail; ‘reply_unknown_session_id’: Reply with unknown session ID error info; ‘ccr_out’: Number of CCRs out; ‘ccr_in’: Number of CCRs in; ‘cca_out’: Number of CCAs out; ‘cca_in’: Number of CCAs in; ‘ccr_i’: Number of CCRs initial; ‘ccr_u’: Number of CCRs update; ‘ccr_t’: Number of CCRs terminate; ‘cca_t’: Number of CCAs terminate; ‘terminate_on_cca_t’: Diameter terminate on cca_t; ‘forward_unknown_session_id’: Forward server side message with unknown session id; ‘update_latest_server’: Update to the latest server that used a session id; ‘client_select_fail’: Fail to select client; ‘close_conn_when_vport_down’: Close client conn when virtual port is down; ‘invalid_avp’: AVP value contains illegal chars; ‘reselect_fwd_tuple’: Original client tuple does not exist so reselect another one; ‘reselect_fwd_tuple_other_cpu’: Original client tuple does not exist so reselect another one on other CPUs; ‘reselect_rev_tuple’: Original server tuple does not exist so reselect another one; ‘conn_closed_by_client’: Client initiates TCP close/reset; ‘conn_closed_by_server’: Server initiates TCP close/reset; ‘reply_invalid_avp_value’: Reply with invalid AVP error info; ‘reply_unable_to_deliver’: Reply with unable to deliver error info; ‘reply_error_info_fail’: Fail to reply error info to peer; ‘dpr_out’: Number of DPRs out; ‘dpr_in’: Number of DPRs in; ‘dpa_out’: Number of DPAs out; ‘dpa_in’: Number of DPAs in;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, num, curr, total, svrsel_fail, no_route, snat_fail, client_fail, server_fail, no_sess, user_session, acr_out, acr_in, aca_out, aca_in, cea_out, cea_in, cer_out, cer_in, dwr_out, dwr_in, dwa_out, dwa_in, str_out, str_in, sta_out, sta_in, asr_out, asr_in, asa_out, asa_in, other_out, other_in, total_http_req_enter_gen, mismatch_fwd_id, mismatch_rev_id, unkwn_cmd_code, no_session_id, no_fwd_tuple, no_rev_tuple, dcmsg_fwd_in, dcmsg_fwd_out, dcmsg_rev_in, dcmsg_rev_out, dcmsg_error, retry_client_request, retry_client_request_fail, reply_unknown_session_id, ccr_out, ccr_in, cca_out, cca_in, ccr_i, ccr_u, ccr_t, cca_t, terminate_on_cca_t, forward_unknown_session_id, update_latest_server, client_select_fail, close_conn_when_vport_down, invalid_avp, reselect_fwd_tuple, reselect_fwd_tuple_other_cpu, reselect_rev_tuple, conn_closed_by_client, conn_closed_by_server, reply_invalid_avp_value, reply_unable_to_deliver, reply_error_info_fail, dpr_out, dpr_in, dpa_out, dpa_in