How to Use this Reference

This reference contains an entry for each ACOS object that can be accessed via the aXAPIv3. Each entry has the following sections:

Specification Table
Provides basic information about the object, such as what type of object it is.
Operations Allowed
Lists the operations that can be performed on instances of this object, along with the HTTP method and URI template required to perform each operation.
Provides information about children objects of this object.
Stats Data
Lists the statistics available for this object.
Operational Data
Lists the statistics available for this object.
Lists all attributes that can be retrieved or configured via the object’s allowed operations.

Specification Table

The specification table provides the following information about the resource:

The URI template that can be used to access a representation of instances of this object. The template format is the same as that defined in RFC 6570.
Indicates what type of resource it is. For further information about resource types, see Resources.
Object Key(s)
The object key is the unique identifier for each instance of this object. It is typically either the name or ID of the object. It is used to identify the resource in the JSON schema. You cannot change the value associated with a resource’s object key. You must instead create a new resource with a different value for the object key.
Resource Name
This is the name of the object, not the instance of that object. It is used to identify the object in the ACOS device’s schema, in URI calls, and throughout the reference entry for this object.
List of Resources
If the object is a list type object (see Resources for details), this is the resource name that will be used to access the list of all configured instances of this object.

You can click this link to see the JSON schema for this object. The schema includes all information about the object. The following key:value pairs are of particular importance:

  • id - contains the URI template of the object
  • properties - contains all of the accessible attributes of the object. These are also listed on the reference page for the object. Each property contains type and/or format of the property, its minimum and maximum values or length, a description and whether it is optional or required.
  • object-keys - contains the object key, as described above
  • required - lists all properties of this object which are required when configuring the object via the aXAPI.

Operations Allowed

The operations table lists all supported operations for instances of this object. For each operation, it lists the HTTP method and URI template that are used to execute the operation.

The payload makes it clear whether the JSON payload contains the list of this type of object or the attributes of an individual instance of the object.

For information about aXAPIv3 operations, see Operations.


This table lists the children of the current resource. It also lists the type and endpoint URI of each child object. Click on the object’s name to see its reference entry.

Stats Data

This table lists all counters available for the object. Each row displays the name of the object in the JSON schema. The table also displays the size of the counter and a brief description of what it represents.

There may be additional statistics tables, depending on how many different categories of statistics are allowed for this resource.

Operational Data

This table lists any operational data attributes by name, and describes what they represent. Many objects will contain the “state” attribute, which specifies whether the object is Up or Down.

Some resources may contain session information or current mappings, such as a dynamically assigned IP or MAC address.


This section describes each of the objects accessible attributes. In the JSON payload, the name of the attribute will be the key, and the value will either be the value you specify (POST or PUT methods) or the value currently configured on this object on the ACOS device (GET method)

Each listing will provide information about the attribute:

Describes the ACOS configuration feature that this attribute represents.
Supported Values
Lists the supported values for boolean attributes.
Specifies the range of accepted integers for number attributes.
Describes the default configuration this attribute that will remain in effect unless it is directly configured.
Specifies whether there are any other parameters that are required before this parameter can be configured.
Mutual Exclusion
Indicates other attributes that cannot be configured if this attribute is configured.
Indicates whether or not this attribute is mandatory to configuring the object on the ACOS device.
Reference Object
Includes a link to an object that must be configured before this parameter can be applied or included.
States what type of value the attribute requires. The following table shows the supported field types.
Type Description
dummy Used for fields that have no configuration significance but act as a place-holder (or intermediate node).
encrypted Goes hand in hand with the password type. A password field must come before an encrypted-type field. You cannot configure this field, this is only to get the encrypted value of the password.
enum Used as a variation of string. The accepted value can only be one of the values listed for that field. If three values are listed (such as Full, Half, auto) only one can be used: "duplexity":"Full"
enum-list Used like enum, but an enum-list can accept multiple enumerated values, separated by a comma. If three values are listed (such as axapi, cli, web) all can be used simultaneously: "access-type":"axapi,cli,web"
flag Accepts a boolean. By default, the value of 0 is assumed for the flag. To enable the attribute or property, you need to specify the the keyword along with the value of 0 or 1: "use-if-ip":1 or "use-if-ip":true
interface Accepts interfaces referring to the physical ports. It automatically builds the range of ports allowed: "ethernet-start":1, "ethernet-end":3
ipv4-address Accepts the ipv4 address. The format is A.B.C.D: "ip-address":""
ipv4-cidr Accepts both the IP address and the prefix length in the same field: "ipv4addr":""
ipv4-netmask Accepts the network mask for the ipv4 network. The format is A.B.C.D or /nn: "ipv4-netmask":""
ipv4-netmask-brief Same as ipv4-netmask
ipv4-rev-netmask Same as ipv4-netmask except that it accepts the reverse mask:
ipv6-address Accepts the ipv6 address. The format is A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H: "ipv6-address":"2334:1234:1234::1"
ipv6-address-plen Accepts the ipv6 address along with the prefix length: "address":"2334:1234:1234::1/64"
line Treated just like a string in aXAPI: "description":"This is a line long description"
mac-address Accepts the mac address. The format is aabb.ccdd.eeff: "mac-addr":"2323.2323.3434"
nasp-string Accepts the Network Service Access Point address or Network Entity Title. The format is XX.XXXX. … .XXXX.XX.
number Accepts a basic number: "mtu":1500
password Accepts variety of characters that can be used in a password. The password field should always be followed by another field of type encrypted, so as not to store or display the values entered: "passphrase":"asdbasfsdf"
string Accepts a sequence of characters: "name":"acl1"
string-rlx Used as a variation of string type. The difference is that it accepts extra characters such as spaces, which are not allowed in basic string type: "name":"abc def"