Start Here

The aXAPI version 3.0 offers an HTTP interface that can be used to configure and monitor your ACOS device. The end-user can use the following HTTP methods to operate the AXAPI:

  1. POST
  2. GET
  3. PUT

Details about the usage of the above HTTP methods are covered in the Operations section.

In general, the API user will perform the following sequence of steps:

  1. Log in: Request an authorization signature. See Logging On for details.
  2. Use HTTP methods (POST, GET, etc), along with the authorization signature retrieved in Step 1, to configure or monitor the ACOS device. See Making an API call for details.
  3. Log off: Inform the API that authorization is no longer needed for the signature retrieved in Step 1. See Logging Off for details.


aXAPIv3 operates over HTTPS

Logging On

This step is required to retrieve an authorization signature to be used to authenticate API calls. This is achieved by sending a POST request to the URI /axapi/v3/auth using using the credentials for the ACOS device, by inserting the following JSON payload:

curl -k \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{
    "credentials": {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "a10"

This example uses the default username (“admin”) and default password (“a10”) for the ACOS device.

If the credentials are valid, the API will return a JSON response like the one below:

  "authresponse" : {
  "description":"the signature should be set in Authorization header for following request."

The value of the signature attribute (ea697a2bc0eb6ec9a1ec7723a3c9b0, in this example) should be used for future aXAPI operations within an HTTP Authorization header, which will be discussed later.

Making an API call

As mentioned earlier, the end-user interacts with the aXAPI using the HTTP methods listed in the Operations section. The end-user is required to use an HTTP Header named Authorization with a value equal to A10 <signature>, where signature is the authorization signature obtained during the Logging On stage.

Each object is identified by a URI.

For instance, in order to create an SLB virtual server, we would make the following POST request on the object’s URI /axapi/v3/slb/virtual-server:

curl -k POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: A10 ea697a2bc0eb6ec9a1ec7723a3c9b0" \
-d '{
        "virtual-server": {
                "name": "a",
                "ip-address": "",
                "enable-disable-action": "enable",
                "redistribution-flagged": 0,
                "arp-disable": 0,
                "policy": 0,
                "virtual-server": 0,
                "logging": 0,
                "stats-data-action": "stats-data-enable",
                "extended-stats": 0,
                "port-list": [
                                "port-number": 0,
                                "protocol": "tcp",
                                "range": 0,
                                "conn-limit": 8000000,
                                "reset": 0,
                                "no-logging": 0,
                                "use-alternate-port": 0,
                                "action": "enable",
                                "def-selection-if-pref-failed": "def-selection-if-pref-failed",
                                "ha-conn-mirror": 0,
                                "skip-rev-hash": 0,
                                "message-switching": 0,
                                "force-routing-mode": 0,
                                "reset-on-server-selection-fail": 0,
                                "clientip-sticky-nat": 0,
                                "extended-stats": 0,
                                "snat-on-vip": 0,
                                "stats-data-action": "stats-data-enable",
                                "syn-cookie": 0,
                                "no-auto-up-on-aflex": 0,
                                "no-dest-nat": 0,
                                "enable-scaleout": 0,
                                "auto": 0,
                                "ipinip": 0,
                                "use-rcv-hop-for-resp": 0,
                                "template-tcp": "default",
                                "template-virtual-port": "default",
                                "use-default-if-no-server": 0,
                                "a10-url": ""

Logging Off

This step is required to indicate to the ACOS device that all aXAPI operations have been completed for the current authorized session. This is achieved by sending a POST request to the URI /axapi/v3/logoff along with the authorization header and content-type header discussed in the Making an API call section.