slb hm-dplane

Health Monitor on data-plane (hm-dplane) related oper Info and Stats

hm-dplane Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name hm-dplane
Element URI /axapi/v3/slb/hm-dplane
Element Attributes hm-dplane_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/hm-dplane/stats
Schema hm-dplane schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



hm-dplane attributes

Get Object



hm-dplane attributes

Modify Object



hm-dplane attributes

Replace Object



hm-dplane attributes

Delete Object



hm-dplane attributes

hm-dplane attributes


Type: List


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘curr_entries’: Current HM Entries; ‘total_created’: Total HM Entries Created; ‘total_inserted’: Total HM entries inserted; ‘total_ready_to_free’: Total HM entries ready to free; ‘total_freed’: Total HM entries freed; ‘err_entry_create_failed’: Entry Creation Failure; ‘err_entry_create_oom’: Entry creation out of memory; ‘err_entry_insert_failed’: Entry insert failed; ‘total_tcp_err’: Total TCP errors in health-checks sent; ‘err_smart_nat_alloc’: Error creating smart-nat instance; ‘err_smart_nat_port_alloc’: Error obtaining smart-nat source port; ‘err_l4_sess_alloc’: Error allocating L4 session for HM; ‘err_hm_tcp_conn_sent’: Error in initiating TCP connection for HM; ‘hm_tcp_conn_sent’: Total TCP connections sent for HM; ‘entry_deleted’: Entry deleted; ‘err_entry_create_vip_failed’: Error in creating HM internal VIP; ‘total_match_resp_code’: Total HTTP received response with match response code; ‘total_match_default_resp_code’: Total HTTP received response with match 200 response code; ‘total_maintenance_received’: Total maintenace response received; ‘total_wrong_status_received’: Total HTTP received response with wrong response code; ‘err_no_hm_entry’: Error no HM entry found; ‘err_ssl_cert_name_mismatch’: Error SSL cert name mismatch; ‘err_server_syn_timeout’: Error SSL server SYN timeout; ‘err_http2_callback’: Error HTTP2 callback; ‘err_l7_sess_process_tcp_estab_failed’: L7 session process TCP established failed; ‘err_l7_sess_process_tcp_data_failed’: L7 session process TCP data failed; ‘err_http2_ver_mismatch’: Error HTTP2 version mismatch; ‘smart_nat_alloc’: Total smart-nat allocation successful; ‘smart_nat_release’: Total smart-nat release successful; ‘smart_nat_alloc_failed’: Total smart-nat allocation failed; ‘smart_nat_release_failed’: Total smart-nat release failed; ‘total_server_quic_conn’: Total start server QUIC connections; ‘total_server_quic_conn_err’: Total start server QUIC connections error;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, curr_entries, total_created, total_inserted, total_ready_to_free, total_freed, err_entry_create_failed, err_entry_create_oom, err_entry_insert_failed, total_tcp_err, err_smart_nat_alloc, err_smart_nat_port_alloc, err_l4_sess_alloc, err_hm_tcp_conn_sent, hm_tcp_conn_sent, entry_deleted, err_entry_create_vip_failed, total_match_resp_code, total_match_default_resp_code, total_maintenance_received, total_wrong_status_received, err_no_hm_entry, err_ssl_cert_name_mismatch, err_server_syn_timeout, err_http2_callback, err_l7_sess_process_tcp_estab_failed, err_l7_sess_process_tcp_data_failed, err_http2_ver_mismatch, smart_nat_alloc, smart_nat_release, smart_nat_alloc_failed, smart_nat_release_failed, total_server_quic_conn, total_server_quic_conn_err