slb http-proxy

Configure HTTP Proxy global

http-proxy Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name http-proxy
Element URI /axapi/v3/slb/http-proxy
Element Attributes http-proxy_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/http-proxy/stats
Operational Data URI /axapi/v3/slb/http-proxy/oper
Schema http-proxy schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



http-proxy attributes

Get Object



http-proxy attributes

Modify Object



http-proxy attributes

Replace Object



http-proxy attributes

Delete Object



http-proxy attributes

http-proxy attributes


Type: List


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘num’: Num; ‘curr_proxy’: Curr Proxy Conns; ‘total_proxy’: Total Proxy Conns; ‘req’: HTTP requests; ‘req_succ’: HTTP requests(succ); ‘noproxy’: No proxy error; ‘client_rst’: Client RST; ‘server_rst’: Server RST; ‘notuple’: No tuple error; ‘parsereq_fail’: Parse req fail; ‘svrsel_fail’: Server selection fail; ‘fwdreq_fail’: Fwd req fail; ‘fwdreq_fail_buff’: Fwd req fail - buff; ‘fwdreq_fail_rport’: Fwd req fail - rport; ‘fwdreq_fail_route’: Fwd req fail - route; ‘fwdreq_fail_persist’: Fwd req fail - persist; ‘fwdreq_fail_server’: Fwd req fail - server; ‘fwdreq_fail_tuple’: Fwd req fail - tuple; ‘fwdreqdata_fail’: some help string; ‘req_retran’: Packets retrans; ‘req_ofo’: Packets ofo; ‘server_resel’: Server reselection; ‘svr_prem_close’: Server premature close; ‘new_svrconn’: Server conn made; ‘snat_fail’: Source NAT failure; ‘tcpoutrst’: Out RSTs; ‘full_proxy’: Full proxy tot; ‘full_proxy_post’: Full proxy POST; ‘full_proxy_pipeline’: Full proxy pipeline; ‘full_proxy_fpga_err’: Full proxy fpga err; ‘req_over_limit’: Request over limit; ‘req_rate_over_limit’: Request rate over limit; ‘l4_switching’: L4 switching; ‘cookie_switching’: Cookie switching; ‘aflex_switching’: aFleX switching; ‘http_policy_switching’: HTTP Policy switching; ‘url_switching’: URL switching; ‘host_switching’: Host switching; ‘lb_switching’: Normal LB switching; ‘l4_switching_ok’: L4 switching (succ); ‘cookie_switching_ok’: Cookie switching (succ); ‘aflex_switching_ok’: aFleX switching (succ); ‘http_policy_switching_ok’: HTTP Policy switching (succ); ‘url_switching_ok’: URL switching (succ); ‘host_switching_ok’: Host switching (succ); ‘lb_switching_ok’: Normal LB switch. (succ); ‘l4_switching_enqueue’: L4 switching (enQ); ‘cookie_switching_enqueue’: Cookie switching (enQ); ‘aflex_switching_enqueue’: aFleX switching (enQ); ‘http_policy_switching_enqueue’: HTTP Policy switching (enQ); ‘url_switching_enqueue’: URL switching (enQ); ‘host_switching_enqueue’: Host switching (enQ); ‘lb_switching_enqueue’: Normal LB switch. (enQ); ‘retry_503’: Retry on 503; ‘aflex_retry’: aFleX http retry; ‘aflex_lb_reselect’: aFleX lb reselect; ‘aflex_lb_reselect_ok’: aFleX lb reselect (succ); ‘client_rst_request’: Client RST - request; ‘client_rst_connecting’: Client RST - connecting; ‘client_rst_connected’: Client RST - connected; ‘client_rst_response’: Client RST - response; ‘server_rst_request’: Server RST - request; ‘server_rst_connecting’: Server RST - connecting; ‘server_rst_connected’: Server RST - connected; ‘server_rst_response’: Server RST - response; ‘invalid_header’: Invalid header; ‘too_many_headers’: Too many headers; ‘line_too_long’: Line too long; ‘header_name_too_long’: Header name too long; ‘wrong_resp_header’: Wrong response header; ‘header_insert’: Header insert; ‘header_delete’: Header delete; ‘insert_client_ip’: Insert client IP; ‘negative_req_remain’: Negative request remain; ‘negative_resp_remain’: Negative response remain; ‘large_cookie’: Large cookies; ‘large_cookie_header’: Large cookie headers; ‘huge_cookie’: Huge cookies; ‘huge_cookie_header’: Huge cookie headers; ‘parse_cookie_fail’: Parse cookie fail; ‘parse_setcookie_fail’: Parse set-cookie fail; ‘asm_cookie_fail’: Assemble cookie fail; ‘asm_cookie_header_fail’: Asm cookie header fail; ‘asm_setcookie_fail’: Assemble set-cookie fail; ‘asm_setcookie_header_fail’: Asm set-cookie hdr fail; ‘client_req_unexp_flag’: Client req unexp flags; ‘connecting_fin’: Connecting FIN; ‘connecting_fin_retrans’: Connecting FIN retran; ‘connecting_fin_ofo’: Connecting FIN ofo; ‘connecting_rst’: Connecting RST; ‘connecting_rst_retrans’: Connecting RST retran; ‘connecting_rst_ofo’: Connecting RST ofo; ‘connecting_ack’: Connecting ACK; ‘pkts_ofo’: Packets ofo; ‘pkts_retrans’: Packets retrans; ‘pkts_retrans_ack_finwait’: retrans ACK FWAIT; ‘pkts_retrans_fin’: retrans FIN; ‘pkts_retrans_rst’: retrans RST; ‘pkts_retrans_push’: retrans PSH; ‘stale_sess’: Stale sess; ‘server_resel_failed’: Server re-select failed; ‘compression_before’: Tot data before compress; ‘compression_after’: Tot data after compress; ‘response_1xx’: Status code 1XX; ‘response_100’: Status code 100; ‘response_101’: Status code 101; ‘response_102’: Status code 102; ‘response_2xx’: Status code 2XX; ‘response_200’: Status code 200; ‘response_201’: Status code 201; ‘response_202’: Status code 202; ‘response_203’: Status code 203; ‘response_204’: Status code 204; ‘response_205’: Status code 205; ‘response_206’: Status code 206; ‘response_207’: Status code 207; ‘response_3xx’: Status code 3XX; ‘response_300’: Status code 300; ‘response_301’: Status code 301; ‘response_302’: Status code 302; ‘response_303’: Status code 303; ‘response_304’: Status code 304; ‘response_305’: Status code 305; ‘response_306’: Status code 306; ‘response_307’: Status code 307; ‘response_4xx’: Status code 4XX; ‘response_400’: Status code 400; ‘response_401’: Status code 401; ‘response_402’: Status code 402; ‘response_403’: Status code 403; ‘response_404’: Status code 404; ‘response_405’: Status code 405; ‘response_406’: Status code 406; ‘response_407’: Status code 407; ‘response_408’: Status code 408; ‘response_409’: Status code 409; ‘response_410’: Status code 410; ‘response_411’: Status code 411; ‘response_412’: Status code 412; ‘response_413’: Status code 413; ‘response_414’: Status code 414; ‘response_415’: Status code 415; ‘response_416’: Status code 416; ‘response_417’: Status code 417; ‘response_418’: Status code 418; ‘response_422’: Status code 422; ‘response_423’: Status code 423; ‘response_424’: Status code 424; ‘response_425’: Status code 425; ‘response_426’: Status code 426; ‘response_449’: Status code 449; ‘response_450’: Status code 450; ‘response_5xx’: Status code 5XX; ‘response_500’: Status code 500; ‘response_501’: Status code 501; ‘response_502’: Status code 502; ‘response_503’: Status code 503; ‘response_504’: Status code 504; ‘response_505’: Status code 505; ‘response_506’: Status code 506; ‘response_507’: Status code 507; ‘response_508’: Status code 508; ‘response_509’: Status code 509; ‘response_510’: Status code 510; ‘response_6xx’: Status code 6XX; ‘response_unknown’: Status code unknown; ‘req_http10’: Request 1.0; ‘req_http11’: Request 1.1; ‘response_http10’: Resp 1.0; ‘response_http11’: Resp 1.1; ‘req_get’: Method GET; ‘req_head’: Method HEAD; ‘req_put’: Method PUT; ‘req_post’: Method POST; ‘req_trace’: Method TRACE; ‘req_options’: Method OPTIONS; ‘req_connect’: Method CONNECT; ‘req_delete’: Method DELETE; ‘req_unknown’: Method UNKNOWN; ‘req_content_len’: Req content len; ‘rsp_content_len’: Resp content len; ‘rsp_chunk’: Resp chunk encoding; ‘req_chunk’: Req chunk encoding; ‘compress_rsp’: Compress req; ‘compress_del_accept_enc’: Compress del accept enc; ‘compress_resp_already_compressed’: Resp already compressed; ‘compress_content_type_excluded’: Compress cont type excl; ‘compress_no_content_type’: Compress no cont type; ‘compress_resp_lt_min’: Compress resp less than min; ‘compress_resp_no_cl_or_ce’: Compress resp no CL/CE; ‘compress_ratio_too_high’: Compress ratio too high; ‘cache_rsp’: HTTP req (cache succ); ‘close_on_ddos’: Close on DDoS; ‘req_http10_keepalive’: 1.0 Keepalive; ‘req_sz_1k’: Req less than equal to 1K; ‘req_sz_2k’: Req less than equal to 2K;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, num, curr_proxy, total_proxy, req, req_succ, noproxy, client_rst, server_rst, notuple, parsereq_fail, svrsel_fail, fwdreq_fail, fwdreq_fail_buff, fwdreq_fail_rport, fwdreq_fail_route, fwdreq_fail_persist, fwdreq_fail_server, fwdreq_fail_tuple, fwdreqdata_fail, req_retran, req_ofo, server_resel, svr_prem_close, new_svrconn, snat_fail, tcpoutrst, full_proxy, full_proxy_post, full_proxy_pipeline, full_proxy_fpga_err, req_over_limit, req_rate_over_limit, l4_switching, cookie_switching, aflex_switching, http_policy_switching, url_switching, host_switching, lb_switching, l4_switching_ok, cookie_switching_ok, aflex_switching_ok, http_policy_switching_ok, url_switching_ok, host_switching_ok, lb_switching_ok, l4_switching_enqueue, cookie_switching_enqueue, aflex_switching_enqueue, http_policy_switching_enqueue, url_switching_enqueue, host_switching_enqueue, lb_switching_enqueue, retry_503, aflex_retry, aflex_lb_reselect, aflex_lb_reselect_ok, client_rst_request, client_rst_connecting, client_rst_connected, client_rst_response, server_rst_request, server_rst_connecting, server_rst_connected, server_rst_response, invalid_header, too_many_headers, line_too_long, header_name_too_long, wrong_resp_header, header_insert, header_delete, insert_client_ip, negative_req_remain, negative_resp_remain, large_cookie, large_cookie_header, huge_cookie, huge_cookie_header, parse_cookie_fail, parse_setcookie_fail, asm_cookie_fail, asm_cookie_header_fail, asm_setcookie_fail, asm_setcookie_header_fail, client_req_unexp_flag, connecting_fin, connecting_fin_retrans, connecting_fin_ofo, connecting_rst, connecting_rst_retrans, connecting_rst_ofo, connecting_ack, pkts_ofo, pkts_retrans, pkts_retrans_ack_finwait, pkts_retrans_fin, pkts_retrans_rst, pkts_retrans_push, stale_sess, server_resel_failed, compression_before, compression_after, response_1xx, response_100, response_101, response_102, response_2xx, response_200, response_201, response_202, response_203, response_204, response_205, response_206, response_207, response_3xx, response_300, response_301, response_302, response_303, response_304, response_305, response_306, response_307, response_4xx, response_400, response_401, response_402, response_403, response_404, response_405, response_406, response_407, response_408, response_409, response_410, response_411, response_412, response_413, response_414, response_415, response_416, response_417, response_418, response_422, response_423, response_424, response_425, response_426, response_449, response_450, response_5xx, response_500, response_501, response_502, response_503, response_504, response_505, response_506, response_507, response_508, response_509, response_510, response_6xx, response_unknown, req_http10, req_http11, response_http10, response_http11, req_get, req_head, req_put, req_post, req_trace, req_options, req_connect, req_delete, req_unknown, req_content_len, rsp_content_len, rsp_chunk, req_chunk, compress_rsp, compress_del_accept_enc, compress_resp_already_compressed, compress_content_type_excluded, compress_no_content_type, compress_resp_lt_min, compress_resp_no_cl_or_ce, compress_ratio_too_high, cache_rsp, close_on_ddos, req_http10_keepalive, req_sz_1k, req_sz_2k, req_sz_4k


Description ‘req_sz_4k’: Req less than equal to 4K; ‘req_sz_8k’: Req less than equal to 8K; ‘req_sz_16k’: Req less than equal to 16K; ‘req_sz_32k’: Req less than equal to 32K; ‘req_sz_64k’: Req less than equal to 64K; ‘req_sz_256k’: Req less than equal to 256K; ‘req_sz_gt_256k’: Req greater than 256K; ‘rsp_sz_1k’: Resp less than equal to 1K; ‘rsp_sz_2k’: Resp less than equal to 2K; ‘rsp_sz_4k’: Resp less than equal to 4K; ‘rsp_sz_8k’: Resp less than equal to 8K; ‘rsp_sz_16k’: Resp less than equal to 16K; ‘rsp_sz_32k’: Resp less than equal to 32K; ‘rsp_sz_64k’: Resp less than equal to 64K; ‘rsp_sz_256k’: Resp less than equal to 256K; ‘rsp_sz_gt_256k’: Resp greater than 256K; ‘chunk_sz_512’: Chunk less than equal to 512; ‘chunk_sz_1k’: Chunk less than equal to 1K; ‘chunk_sz_2k’: Chunk less than equal to 2K; ‘chunk_sz_4k’: Chunk less than equal to 4K; ‘chunk_sz_gt_4k’: Chunk greater than 4K; ‘pconn_connecting’: pconn connecting; ‘pconn_connected’: pconn connected; ‘pconn_connecting_failed’: pconn conn failed; ‘chunk_bad’: Bad Chunk; ‘req_10u’: Rsp time less than 10u; ‘req_20u’: Rsp time less than 20u; ‘req_50u’: Rsp time less than 50u; ‘req_100u’: Rsp time less than 100u; ‘req_200u’: Rsp time less than 200u; ‘req_500u’: Rsp time less than 500u; ‘req_1m’: Rsp time less than 1m; ‘req_2m’: Rsp time less than 2m; ‘req_5m’: Rsp time less than 5m; ‘req_10m’: Rsp time less than 10m; ‘req_20m’: Rsp time less than 20m; ‘req_50m’: Rsp time less than 50m; ‘req_100m’: Rsp time less than 100m; ‘req_200m’: Rsp time less than 200m; ‘req_500m’: Rsp time less than 500m; ‘req_1s’: Rsp time less than 1s; ‘req_2s’: Rsp time less than 2s; ‘req_5s’: Rsp time less than 5s; ‘req_over_5s’: Rsp time greater than equal to 5s; ‘insert_client_port’: Insert client Port; ‘req_track’: Method TRACK; ‘connect_req’: Total HTTP CONNECT requests; ‘req_enter_ssli’: Total HTTP requests enter SSLi; ‘non_http_bypass’: Non-HTTP bypass; ‘decompression_before’: Tot data before decompress; ‘decompression_after’: Tot data after decompress; ‘req_http2’: Request 2.0; ‘response_http2’: Resp 2.0; ‘req_timeout_retry’: Retry on Req Timeout; ‘req_timeout_close’: Close on Req Timeout; ‘doh_req’: DoH Requests; ‘doh_req_get’: DoH GET Requests; ‘doh_req_post’: DoH POST Requests; ‘doh_non_doh_req’: DoH non DoH Requests; ‘doh_non_doh_req_get’: DoH non DoH GET Requests; ‘doh_non_doh_req_post’: DoH non DoH POST Requests; ‘doh_resp’: DoH Responses; ‘doh_tc_resp’: DoH TC Responses; ‘doh_udp_dns_req’: DoH UDP DNS Requests; ‘doh_udp_dns_resp’: DoH UDP DNS Responses; ‘doh_tcp_dns_req’: DoH TCP DNS Requests; ‘doh_tcp_dns_resp’: DoH TCP DNS Responses; ‘doh_req_send_failed’: DoH Request Send Failed; ‘doh_resp_send_failed’: DoH Response Send Failed; ‘doh_malloc_fail’: DoH Memory alloc failed; ‘doh_req_udp_retry’: DoH UDP Retry; ‘doh_req_udp_retry_fail’: DoH UDP Retry failed; ‘doh_req_tcp_retry’: DoH TCP Retry; ‘doh_req_tcp_retry_fail’: DoH TCP Retry failed; ‘doh_snat_failed’: DoH Source NAT failed; ‘doh_path_not_found’: DoH URI Path not found; ‘doh_get_dns_arg_failed’: DoH GET dns arg not found in uri; ‘doh_get_base64_decode_failed’: DoH GET base64url decode failed; ‘doh_post_content_type_mismatch’: DoH POST content-type not found; ‘doh_post_payload_not_found’: DoH POST payload not found; ‘doh_post_payload_extract_failed’: DoH POST payload extract failed; ‘doh_non_doh_method’: DoH Non DoH HTTP request method rcvd; ‘doh_tcp_send_failed’: DoH serv TCP DNS send failed; ‘doh_udp_send_failed’: DoH serv UDP DNS send failed; ‘doh_query_time_out’: DoH serv Query timed out; ‘doh_dns_query_type_a’: DoH Query type A; ‘doh_dns_query_type_aaaa’: DoH Query type AAAA; ‘doh_dns_query_type_ns’: DoH Query type NS; ‘doh_dns_query_type_cname’: DoH Query type CNAME; ‘doh_dns_query_type_any’: DoH Query type ANY; ‘doh_dns_query_type_srv’: DoH Query type SRV; ‘doh_dns_query_type_mx’: DoH Query type MX; ‘doh_dns_query_type_soa’: DoH Query type SOA; ‘doh_dns_query_type_others’: DoH Query type Others; ‘doh_resp_setup_failed’: DoH Response setup failed; ‘doh_resp_header_alloc_failed’: DoH Resp hdr alloc failed; ‘doh_resp_que_failed’: DoH Resp queue failed; ‘doh_resp_udp_frags’: DoH UDP Frags Rcvd; ‘doh_resp_tcp_frags’: DoH TCP Frags Rcvd; ‘doh_serv_sel_failed’: DoH Server Select Failed; ‘doh_retry_w_tcp’: DoH Retry with TCP SG; ‘doh_get_uri_too_long’: DoH GET URI too long; ‘doh_post_payload_too_large’: DoH POST Payload too large; ‘doh_dns_malformed_query’: DoH DNS Malformed Query; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_format’: DoH DNS Response rcode ERR_FORMAT; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_server’: DoH DNS Response rcode ERR_SERVER; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_name’: DoH DNS Response rcode ERR_NAME; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_type’: DoH DNS Response rcode ERR_TYPE; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_refuse’: DoH DNS Response rcode REFUSE; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_yxdomain’: DoH DNS Response rcode YXDOMAIN; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_yxrrset’: DoH DNS Response rcode YXRRSET; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_nxrrset’: DoH DNS Response rcode NXRRSET; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_notauth’: DoH DNS Response rcode NOTAUTH; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_notzone’: DoH DNS Response rcode NOTZONE; ‘doh_dns_resp_rcode_other’: DoH DNS Response rcode OTHER; ‘compression_before_br’: Tot data before brotli compress; ‘compression_after_br’: Tot data after brotli compress; ‘compression_before_total’: Tot data before compress; ‘compression_after_total’: Tot data after compress; ‘decompression_before_br’: Tot data before brotli decompress; ‘decompression_after_br’: Tot data after brotli decompress; ‘decompression_before_total’: Tot data before decompress; ‘decompression_after_total’: Tot data after decompress; ‘compress_rsp_br’: Compress req with brotli; ‘compress_rsp_total’: Compress req; ‘h2up_content_length_alias’: HTTP2 content length alias; ‘malformed_h2up_header_value’: Malformed HTTP2 header value; ‘malformed_h2up_scheme_value’: Malformed HTTP2 scheme value; ‘h2up_with_transfer_encoding’: HTTP2 with transfer-encoding header; ‘multiple_content_length’: Multiple content-length headers; ‘multiple_transfer_encoding’: Multiple transfer-encoding headers; ‘transfer_encoding_and_content_length’: Transfer-encoding header with Content-Length header; ‘get_and_payload’: GET method with content-length header or transfer-encoding header; ‘h2up_with_host_and_auth’: HTTP2 with host header and authority header; ‘req_http3’: Request 3.0; ‘response_http3’: Resp 3.0; ‘header_filter_rule_hit’: Hit header filter rule; ‘current_stream’: Current Stream; ‘stream_create’: Stream Created; ‘stream_free’: Stream Free; ‘end_stream_rcvd’: End Stream Received; ‘end_stream_sent’: End Stream Sent; ‘http1_client_idle_timeout’: HTTP1 client idle timeout; ‘http2_client_idle_timeout’: HTTP2 client idle timeout;

Type: string

Supported Values: req_sz_8k, req_sz_16k, req_sz_32k, req_sz_64k, req_sz_256k, req_sz_gt_256k, rsp_sz_1k, rsp_sz_2k, rsp_sz_4k, rsp_sz_8k, rsp_sz_16k, rsp_sz_32k, rsp_sz_64k, rsp_sz_256k, rsp_sz_gt_256k, chunk_sz_512, chunk_sz_1k, chunk_sz_2k, chunk_sz_4k, chunk_sz_gt_4k, pconn_connecting, pconn_connected, pconn_connecting_failed, chunk_bad, req_10u, req_20u, req_50u, req_100u, req_200u, req_500u, req_1m, req_2m, req_5m, req_10m, req_20m, req_50m, req_100m, req_200m, req_500m, req_1s, req_2s, req_5s, req_over_5s, insert_client_port, req_track, connect_req, req_enter_ssli, non_http_bypass, decompression_before, decompression_after, req_http2, response_http2, req_timeout_retry, req_timeout_close, doh_req, doh_req_get, doh_req_post, doh_non_doh_req, doh_non_doh_req_get, doh_non_doh_req_post, doh_resp, doh_tc_resp, doh_udp_dns_req, doh_udp_dns_resp, doh_tcp_dns_req, doh_tcp_dns_resp, doh_req_send_failed, doh_resp_send_failed, doh_malloc_fail, doh_req_udp_retry, doh_req_udp_retry_fail, doh_req_tcp_retry, doh_req_tcp_retry_fail, doh_snat_failed, doh_path_not_found, doh_get_dns_arg_failed, doh_get_base64_decode_failed, doh_post_content_type_mismatch, doh_post_payload_not_found, doh_post_payload_extract_failed, doh_non_doh_method, doh_tcp_send_failed, doh_udp_send_failed, doh_query_time_out, doh_dns_query_type_a, doh_dns_query_type_aaaa, doh_dns_query_type_ns, doh_dns_query_type_cname, doh_dns_query_type_any, doh_dns_query_type_srv, doh_dns_query_type_mx, doh_dns_query_type_soa, doh_dns_query_type_others, doh_resp_setup_failed, doh_resp_header_alloc_failed, doh_resp_que_failed, doh_resp_udp_frags, doh_resp_tcp_frags, doh_serv_sel_failed, doh_retry_w_tcp, doh_get_uri_too_long, doh_post_payload_too_large, doh_dns_malformed_query, doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_format, doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_server, doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_name, doh_dns_resp_rcode_err_type, doh_dns_resp_rcode_refuse, doh_dns_resp_rcode_yxdomain, doh_dns_resp_rcode_yxrrset, doh_dns_resp_rcode_nxrrset, doh_dns_resp_rcode_notauth, doh_dns_resp_rcode_notzone, doh_dns_resp_rcode_other, compression_before_br, compression_after_br, compression_before_total, compression_after_total, decompression_before_br, decompression_after_br, decompression_before_total, decompression_after_total, compress_rsp_br, compress_rsp_total, h2up_content_length_alias, malformed_h2up_header_value, malformed_h2up_scheme_value, h2up_with_transfer_encoding, multiple_content_length, multiple_transfer_encoding, transfer_encoding_and_content_length, get_and_payload, h2up_with_host_and_auth, req_http3, response_http3, header_filter_rule_hit, http1_client_idle_timeout, http2_client_idle_timeout, http_disallowed_methods, http_allowed_methods, req_http11_new_proxy