system fpga-drop

fpga-drop Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name fpga-drop
Element URI /axapi/v3/system/fpga-drop
Element Attributes fpga-drop_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/system/fpga-drop/stats
Schema fpga-drop schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



fpga-drop attributes

Get Object



fpga-drop attributes

Modify Object



fpga-drop attributes

Replace Object



fpga-drop attributes

Delete Object



fpga-drop attributes

fpga-drop attributes


Type: List


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘mrx-drop’: Total MRX Drop; ‘hrx-drop’: Total HRX Drop; ‘siz-drop’: Total Size Drop; ‘fcs-drop’: Total FCS Drop; ‘land-drop’: Total LAND Attack Drop; ‘empty-frag-drop’: Total Empty frag Drop; ‘mic-frag-drop’: Total Micro frag Drop; ‘ipv4-opt-drop’: Total IPv4 opt Drop; ‘ipv4-frag’: Total IP frag Drop; ‘bad-ip-hdr-len’: Total Bad IP hdr len Drop; ‘bad-ip-flags-drop’: Total Bad IP Flags Drop; ‘bad-ip-ttl-drop’: Total Bad IP TTL Drop; ‘no-ip-payload-drop’: Total No IP Payload Drop; ‘oversize-ip-payload’: Total Oversize IP PL Drop; ‘bad-ip-payload-len’: Total Bad IP PL len Drop; ‘bad-ip-frag-offset’: Total Bad IP frag off Drop; ‘bad-ip-chksum-drop’: Total Bad IP csum Drop; ‘icmp-pod-drop’: Total ICMP POD Drop; ‘tcp-bad-urg-offet’: Total TCP bad urg off Drop; ‘tcp-short-hdr’: Total TCP short hdr Drop; ‘tcp-bad-ip-len’: Total TCP Bad IP Len Drop; ‘tcp-null-flags’: Total TCP null flags Drop; ‘tcp-null-scan’: Total TCP null scan Drop; ‘tcp-fin-sin’: Total TCP SYN&FIN Drop; ‘tcp-xmas-flags’: Total TCP XMAS FLAGS Drop; ‘tcp-xmas-scan’: Total TCP XMAS scan Drop; ‘tcp-syn-frag’: Total TCP SYN frag Drop; ‘tcp-frag-hdr’: Total TCP frag header Drop; ‘tcp-bad-chksum’: Total TCP bad csum Drop; ‘udp-short-hdr’: Total UDP short hdr Drop; ‘udp-bad-ip-len’: Total UDP bad leng Drop; ‘udp-kb-frags’: Total UDP KB frag Drop; ‘udp-port-lb’: Total UDP port LB Drop; ‘udp-bad-chksum’: Total UDP bad csum Drop; ‘runt-ip-hdr’: Total Runt IP hdr Drop; ‘runt-tcpudp-hdr’: Total Runt TCPUDP hdr Drop; ‘tun-mismatch’: Total Tun mismatch Drop; ‘qdr-drop’: Total QDR Drop;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, mrx-drop, hrx-drop, siz-drop, fcs-drop, land-drop, empty-frag-drop, mic-frag-drop, ipv4-opt-drop, ipv4-frag, bad-ip-hdr-len, bad-ip-flags-drop, bad-ip-ttl-drop, no-ip-payload-drop, oversize-ip-payload, bad-ip-payload-len, bad-ip-frag-offset, bad-ip-chksum-drop, icmp-pod-drop, tcp-bad-urg-offet, tcp-short-hdr, tcp-bad-ip-len, tcp-null-flags, tcp-null-scan, tcp-fin-sin, tcp-xmas-flags, tcp-xmas-scan, tcp-syn-frag, tcp-frag-hdr, tcp-bad-chksum, udp-short-hdr, udp-bad-ip-len, udp-kb-frags, udp-port-lb, udp-bad-chksum, runt-ip-hdr, runt-tcpudp-hdr, tun-mismatch, qdr-drop