
Configure Object Group

object-group Specification

Parameter Value
Type Intermediate Resource
Element Name object-group
Element URI /axapi/v3/object-group
Element Attributes object-group_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Schema object-group schema

Operations Allowed:


Get Object




object-group attributes


Type: List

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/object-group/application/{app-name}


Type: List

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/object-group/network/{net-name}


Type: List

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/object-group/service/{svc-name}


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Description of the object-group instance

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 128 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description ‘v4’: IPv4 rule; ‘v6’: IPv6 rule;

Type: string

Supported Values: v4, v6


Description Network Object Group Name

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Type: List


Description ‘acl’: Use for access-lists (default).; ‘fw’: Use for Firewall rule-set;

Type: string

Supported Values: acl, fw

Default: acl


Description Customized tag

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Any host

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description IPv4 Network Address

Type: string

Format: ipv4-cidr


Description IPv6 Network Address

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address-plen


Description IPv4 Host Address

Type: string

Format: ipv4-address


Description IPv6 Host Address

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address


Description IPV4 Host address end

Type: string

Format: ipv4-address


Description IPv4 Host Address start

Type: string

Format: ipv4-address


Description IPV6 Host address end

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address


Description IPv6 Host Address start

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address


Description IPv6 Network Address

Type: string

Format: ipv6-address-plen


Description Network Object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/object/network


Description Network Mask. 0=apply, 255=ignore

Type: string

Format: ipv4-rev-netmask


Description Sequence number

Type: number

Range: 1-8192


Description Server

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/server


Description Virtual Server

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/virtual-server


Description IPv4 Network Address

Type: string

Format: ipv4-address


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Description of the object-group instance

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 128 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Type: List


Description Service Object Group Name

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description Customized tag

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘FTP’: Specify FTP ALG port range; ‘TFTP’: Specify TFTP ALG port range; ‘SIP’: Specify SIP ALG port range; ‘DNS’: Specify DNS ALG port range; ‘PPTP’: Specify PPTP ALG port range; ‘RTSP’: Specify RTSP ALG port range;

Type: string

Supported Values: FTP, TFTP, SIP, DNS, PPTP, RTSP


Description Any ICMP code

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: any-code, icmp-code, and special-code are mutually exclusive


Description Any ICMP type

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: any-type, icmp-type, and special-type are mutually exclusive


Description Match only packets on a given destination port (port number)

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description Match only packets on a given source port (port number)

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description Match only packets with a greater destination port number

Type: number

Range: 1-65534


Description Match only packets with a greater source port number

Type: number

Range: 1-65534


Description Internet Control Message Protocol

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description ICMP code number

Type: number

Range: 0-254

Mutual Exclusion: icmp-code, any-code, and special-code are mutually exclusive


Description ICMP type number

Type: number

Range: 0-254

Mutual Exclusion: icmp-type, any-type, and special-type are mutually exclusive


Description Internet Control Message Protocol version 6

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description ICMPv6 code number

Type: number

Range: 0-254

Mutual Exclusion: icmpv6-code, v6-any-code, and special-v6-code are mutually exclusive


Description ICMPv6 type number

Type: number

Range: 0-254

Mutual Exclusion: icmpv6-type, v6-any-type, and special-v6-type are mutually exclusive


Description Match only packets with a lesser destination port number

Type: number

Range: 2-65535


Description Match only packets with a lower source port number

Type: number

Range: 2-65535


Description Ending Destination Port Number

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description Ending Source Port Number

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description Protocol ID

Type: number

Range: 0-255


Description Match only packets in the range of destination port numbers (Starting Destination Port Number)

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description match only packets in the range of source port numbers (Starting Port Number)

Type: number

Range: 1-65535


Description Sequence number

Type: number

Range: 1-8192


Description Source Port Information

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0


Description ‘frag-required’: Code 4, fragmentation required; ‘host-unreachable’: Code 1, destination host unreachable; ‘network-unreachable’: Code 0, destination network unreachable; ‘port-unreachable’: Code 3, destination port unreachable; ‘proto-unreachable’: Code 2, destination protocol unreachable; ‘route-failed’: Code 5, source route failed;

Type: string

Supported Values: frag-required, host-unreachable, network-unreachable, port-unreachable, proto-unreachable, route-failed

Mutual Exclusion: special-code, any-code, and icmp-code are mutually exclusive


Description ‘echo-reply’: Type 0, echo reply; ‘echo-request’: Type 8, echo request; ‘info-reply’: Type 16, information reply; ‘info-request’: Type 15, information request; ‘mask-reply’: Type 18, address mask reply; ‘mask-request’: Type 17, address mask request; ‘parameter-problem’: Type 12, parameter problem; ‘redirect’: Type 5, redirect message; ‘source-quench’: Type 4, source quench; ‘time-exceeded’: Type 11, time exceeded; ‘timestamp’: Type 13, timestamp; ‘timestamp-reply’: Type 14, timestamp reply; ‘dest-unreachable’: Type 3, destination unreachable;

Type: string

Supported Values: echo-reply, echo-request, info-reply, info-request, mask-reply, mask-request, parameter-problem, redirect, source-quench, time-exceeded, timestamp, timestamp-reply, dest-unreachable

Mutual Exclusion: special-type, icmp-type, and any-type are mutually exclusive


Description ‘addr-unreachable’: Code 3, address unreachable; ‘admin-prohibited’: Code 1, admin prohibited; ‘no-route’: Code 0, no route to destination; ‘not-neighbour’: Code 2, not neighbor; ‘port-unreachable’: Code 4, destination port unreachable;

Type: string

Supported Values: addr-unreachable, admin-prohibited, no-route, not-neighbour, port-unreachable

Mutual Exclusion: special-v6-code, v6-any-code, and icmpv6-code are mutually exclusive


Description ‘dest-unreachable’: Type 1, destination unreachable; ‘echo-reply’: Type 129, echo reply; ‘echo-request’: Type 128, echo request; ‘packet-too-big’: Type 2, packet too big; ‘param-prob’: Type 4, parameter problem; ‘time-exceeded’: Type 3, time exceeded;

Type: string

Supported Values: dest-unreachable, echo-reply, echo-request, packet-too-big, param-prob, time-exceeded

Mutual Exclusion: special-v6-type, icmpv6-type, and v6-any-type are mutually exclusive


Description ‘tcp’: Protocol TCP; ‘udp’: Protocol UDP;

Type: string

Supported Values: tcp, udp


Description Any ICMPv6 code

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: v6-any-code, icmpv6-code, and special-v6-code are mutually exclusive


Description Any ICMP type

Type: boolean

Supported Values: true, false, 1, 0

Default: 0

Mutual Exclusion: v6-any-type, icmpv6-type, and special-v6-type are mutually exclusive


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Type: List


Description Application Object Group Name

Type: string

Maximum Length: 63 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description Customized tag

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description Specify application

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 31 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Description ‘aaa’: Protocol/application used for AAA (Authentification, Authorization and Accounting) purposes.; ‘adult-content’: Adult content protocol/application.; ‘advertising’: Advertising networks and applications.; ‘application-enforcing-tls’: Application known to enforce HSTS and thus use of TLS.; ‘analytics-and-statistics’: User analytics and statistics protocol/application.; ‘anonymizers-and-proxies’: Traffic-anonymization protocol/application.; ‘audio-chat’: Protocol/application used for Audio Chat.; ‘basic’: Covers all protocols required for basic classification, including most networking protocols as well as standard protocols like HTTP.; ‘blog’: Blogging platform protocol/application.; ‘cdn’: Protocol/application used for Content-Delivery Networks.; ‘certification-authority’: Certification Authority for SSL/TLS certificate.; ‘chat’: Protocol/application used for Text Chat.; ‘classified-ads’: Protocol/application used for Classified Advertisements.; ‘cloud-based-services’: SaaS and/or PaaS cloud based services.; ‘crowdfunding’: Service for funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.; ‘cryptocurrency’: Services for mining cryptocurrencies, for example a Crypto Web Browser (an application that mines crypto currency in the background while its user browses the web).; ‘database’: Database-specific protocols.; ‘disposable-email’: Service offering Disposable Email Accounts (DEA). DEA is a technique to share temporary email address between many users.; ‘ebook-reader’: Services for e-book readers, i.e. connected devices that display electronic books (typically using e-ink displays to reduce glare and eye strain).; ‘education’: Protocols offering education services and online courses.; ‘email’: Native email protocol.; ‘enterprise’: Protocol/application used in an enterprise network.; ‘file-management’: Protocol/application designed specifically for file management and exchange. This can include bona fide network protocols (like SMB) as well as web/cloud services (like Dropbox).; ‘file-transfer’: Protocol that offers file transferring as a secondary feature. This typically includes IM, WebMail, and other protocols that allow file transfers in addition to their principal function.; ‘forum’: Online forum protocol/application.; ‘gaming’: Protocol/application used by games.; ‘healthcare’: Protocols offering medical services, i.e protocols used in medical environment.; ‘instant-messaging-and-multimedia-conferencing’: Protocol/application used for Instant Messaging or Multi-Conferencing.; ‘internet-of-things’: Internet Of Things protocol/application.; ‘map-service’: Digital Maps service (web site and their related API).; ‘mobile’: Mobile-specific protocol/application.; ‘multimedia-streaming’: Protocol/application used for multimedia streaming.; ‘networking’: Protocol used for (inter) networking purpose.; ‘news-portal’: Protocol/application used for News Portals.; ‘payment-service’: Application offering online services for accepting electronic payments by a variety of payment methods (credit card, bank-based payments such as direct debit, bank transfer, etc).; ‘peer-to-peer’: Protocol/application used for Peer-to-peer purposes.; ‘remote-access’: Protocol/application used for remote access.; ‘scada’: SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) protocols, all generations.; ‘social-networks’: Social networking application.; ‘software-update’: Auto-update protocol.; ‘speedtest’: Speedtest application allowing to access quality of Internet connection (upload, download, latency, etc).; ‘standards-based’: Protocol issued from standardized bodies such as IETF, ITU, IEEE, ETSI, OIF.; ‘transportation’: Transportation services, for example smartphone applications that allow users to hail a taxi.; ‘video-chat’: Protocol/application used for Video Chat.; ‘voip’: Application used for Voice-Over-IP.; ‘vpn-tunnels’: Protocol/application used for VPN or tunneling purposes.; ‘web’: Application based on HTTP/HTTPS.; ‘web-e-commerce’: Protocol/application used for E-commerce websites.; ‘web-search-engines’: Protocol/application used for Web search portals.; ‘web-websites’: Protocol/application used for Company Websites.; ‘webmails’: Web-based e-mail application.; ‘web-ext-adult’: Web Extension Adult; ‘web-ext-auctions’: Web Extension Auctions; ‘web-ext-blogs’: Web Extension Blogs; ‘web-ext-business-and-economy’: Web Extension Business and Economy; ‘web-ext-cdns’: Web Extension CDNs; ‘web-ext-collaboration’: Web Extension Collaboration; ‘web-ext-computer-and-internet-info’: Web Extension Computer and Internet Info; ‘web-ext-computer-and-internet-security’: Web Extension Computer and Internet Security; ‘web-ext-dating’: Web Extension Dating; ‘web-ext-educational-institutions’: Web Extension Educational Institutions; ‘web-ext-entertainment-and-arts’: Web Extension Entertainment and Arts; ‘web-ext-fashion-and-beauty’: Web Extension Fashion and Beauty; ‘web-ext-file-share’: Web Extension File Share; ‘web-ext-financial-services’: Web Extension Financial Services; ‘web-ext-gambling’: Web Extension Gambling; ‘web-ext-games’: Web Extension Games; ‘web-ext-government’: Web Extension Government; ‘web-ext-health-and-medicine’: Web Extension Health and Medicine; ‘web-ext-individual-stock-advice-and-tools’: Web Extension Individual Stock Advice and Tools; ‘web-ext-internet-portals’: Web Extension Internet Portals; ‘web-ext-job-search’: Web Extension Job Search; ‘web-ext-local-information’: Web Extension Local Information; ‘web-ext-malware’: Web Extension Malware; ‘web-ext-motor-vehicles’: Web Extension Motor Vehicles; ‘web-ext-music’: Web Extension Music; ‘web-ext-news’: Web Extension News; ‘web-ext-p2p’: Web Extension P2P; ‘web-ext-parked-sites’: Web Extension Parked Sites; ‘web-ext-proxy-avoid-and-anonymizers’: Web Extension Proxy Avoid and Anonymizers; ‘web-ext-real-estate’: Web Extension Real Estate; ‘web-ext-reference-and-research’: Web Extension Reference and Research; ‘web-ext-search-engines’: Web Extension Search Engines; ‘web-ext-shopping’: Web Extension Shopping; ‘web-ext-social-network’: Web Extension Social Network; ‘web-ext-society’: Web Extension Society; ‘web-ext-software’: Web Extension Software; ‘web-ext-sports’: Web Extension Sports; ‘web-ext-streaming-media’: Web Extension Streaming Media; ‘web-ext-training-and-tools’: Web Extension Training and Tools; ‘web-ext-translation’: Web Extension Translation; ‘web-ext-travel’: Web Extension Travel; ‘web-ext-web-advertisements’: Web Extension Web Advertisements; ‘web-ext-web-based-email’: Web Extension Web based Email; ‘web-ext-web-hosting’: Web Extension Web Hosting; ‘web-ext-web-service’: Web Extension Web Service;

Type: string

Supported Values: aaa, adult-content, advertising, application-enforcing-tls, analytics-and-statistics, anonymizers-and-proxies, audio-chat, basic, blog, cdn, certification-authority, chat, classified-ads, cloud-based-services, crowdfunding, cryptocurrency, database, disposable-email, ebook-reader, education, email, enterprise, file-management, file-transfer, forum, gaming, healthcare, instant-messaging-and-multimedia-conferencing, internet-of-things, map-service, mobile, multimedia-streaming, networking, news-portal, payment-service, peer-to-peer, remote-access, scada, social-networks, software-update, speedtest, standards-based, transportation, video-chat, voip, vpn-tunnels, web, web-e-commerce, web-search-engines, web-websites, webmails, web-ext-adult, web-ext-auctions, web-ext-blogs, web-ext-business-and-economy, web-ext-cdns, web-ext-collaboration, web-ext-computer-and-internet-info, web-ext-computer-and-internet-security, web-ext-dating, web-ext-educational-institutions, web-ext-entertainment-and-arts, web-ext-fashion-and-beauty, web-ext-file-share, web-ext-financial-services, web-ext-gambling, web-ext-games, web-ext-government, web-ext-health-and-medicine, web-ext-individual-stock-advice-and-tools, web-ext-internet-portals, web-ext-job-search, web-ext-local-information, web-ext-malware, web-ext-motor-vehicles, web-ext-music, web-ext-news, web-ext-p2p, web-ext-parked-sites, web-ext-proxy-avoid-and-anonymizers, web-ext-real-estate, web-ext-reference-and-research, web-ext-search-engines, web-ext-shopping, web-ext-social-network, web-ext-society, web-ext-software, web-ext-sports, web-ext-streaming-media, web-ext-training-and-tools, web-ext-translation, web-ext-travel, web-ext-web-advertisements, web-ext-web-based-email, web-ext-web-hosting, web-ext-web-service