gslb dns

DNS Global Options

dns Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name dns
Element URI /axapi/v3/gslb/dns
Element Attributes dns_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/gslb/dns/stats
Schema dns schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



dns attributes

Get Object



dns attributes

Modify Object



dns attributes

Replace Object



dns attributes

Delete Object



dns attributes

dns attributes


Description ‘none’: No action (default); ‘drop’: Drop query; ‘reject’: Send refuse response; ‘ignore’: Send empty response;

Type: string

Supported Values: none, drop, reject, ignore

Default: none


Description ‘none’: No logging (default); ‘query’: DNS Query; ‘response’: DNS Response; ‘both’: Both DNS Query and Response;

Type: string

Supported Values: none, query, response, both

Default: none


Type: List


Description Logging template (Logging Template Name)

Type: string

Format: string-rlx

Maximum Length: 127 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters

Reference Object: /axapi/v3/slb/template/logging


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘total-query’: Total number of DNS queries received; ‘total-response’: Total number of DNS replies sent to clients; ‘bad-packet-query’: Number of queries with incorrect data length; ‘bad-packet-response’: Number of replies with incorrect data length; ‘bad-header-query’: Number of queries with incorrect header; ‘bad-header-response’: Number of replies with incorrect header; ‘bad-format-query’: Number of queries with incorrect format; ‘bad-format-response’: Number of replies with incorrect format; ‘bad-service-query’: Number of queries with unknown service; ‘bad-service-response’: Number of replies with unknown service; ‘bad-class-query’: Number of queries with incorrect class; ‘bad-class-response’: Number of replies with incorrect class; ‘bad-type-query’: Number of queries with incorrect type; ‘bad-type-response’: Number of replies with incorrect type; ‘no_answer’: Number of replies with unknown server IP; ‘metric_health_check’: Metric Health Check Hit; ‘metric_weighted_ip’: Metric Weighted IP Hit; ‘metric_weighted_site’: Metric Weighted Site Hit; ‘metric_capacity’: Metric Capacity Hit; ‘metric_active_server’: Metric Active Server Hit; ‘metric_easy_rdt’: Metric Easy RDT Hit; ‘metric_active_rdt’: Metric Active RDT Hit; ‘metric_geographic’: Metric Geographic Hit; ‘metric_connection_load’: Metric Connection Load Hit; ‘metric_number_of_sessions’: Metric Number of Sessions Hit; ‘metric_active_weight’: Metric Active Weight Hit; ‘metric_admin_preference’: Metric Admin Preference Hit; ‘metric_bandwidth_quality’: Metric Bandwidth Quality Hit; ‘metric_bandwidth_cost’: Metric Bandwidth Cost Hit; ‘metric_user’: Metric User Hit; ‘metric_least_reponse’: Metric Least Reponse Hit; ‘metric_admin_ip’: Metric Admin IP Hit; ‘metric_round_robin’: Metric Round Robin Hit;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, total-query, total-response, bad-packet-query, bad-packet-response, bad-header-query, bad-header-response, bad-format-query, bad-format-response, bad-service-query, bad-service-response, bad-class-query, bad-class-response, bad-type-query, bad-type-response, no_answer, metric_health_check, metric_weighted_ip, metric_weighted_site, metric_capacity, metric_active_server, metric_easy_rdt, metric_active_rdt, metric_geographic, metric_connection_load, metric_number_of_sessions, metric_active_weight, metric_admin_preference, metric_bandwidth_quality, metric_bandwidth_cost, metric_user, metric_least_reponse, metric_admin_ip, metric_round_robin