aam authentication global

Global AAM authentication statistics

global Specification

Parameter Value
Type Configuration Resource
Element Name global
Element URI /axapi/v3/aam/authentication/global
Element Attributes global_attributes
Partition Visibility shared
Statistics Data URI /axapi/v3/aam/authentication/global/stats
Schema global schema

Operations Allowed:


Create Object



global attributes

Get Object



global attributes

Modify Object



global attributes

Replace Object



global attributes

Delete Object



global attributes

global attributes


Description Specify the max auth resp size in bytes(from authd to a10lb), default is 64KB

Type: number

Range: 2048-131072

Default: 65536


Type: List


Description uuid of the object

Type: string

Maximum Length: 64 characters

Maximum Length: 1 characters


Specification Value
Type list
Block object keys  


Description ‘all’: all; ‘requests’: Total Authentication Request; ‘responses’: Total Authentication Response; ‘misses’: Total Authentication Request Missed; ‘ocsp-stapling-requests-to-a10authd’: Total OCSP Stapling Request; ‘ocsp-stapling-responses-from-a10authd’: Total OCSP Stapling Response; ‘opened-socket’: Total AAM Socket Opened; ‘open-socket-failed’: Total AAM Open Socket Failed; ‘connect’: Total AAM Connection; ‘connect-failed’: Total AAM Connect Failed; ‘created-timer’: Total AAM Timer Created; ‘create-timer-failed’: Total AAM Timer Creation Failed; ‘total-request’: Total Request Received by A10 Auth Service; ‘get-socket-option-failed’: Total AAM Get Socket Option Failed; ‘aflex-authz-succ’: Total Authorization success number in aFleX; ‘aflex-authz-fail’: Total Authorization failure number in aFleX; ‘authn-success’: Total Authentication success number; ‘authn-failure’: Total Authentication failure number; ‘authz-success’: Total Authorization success number; ‘authz-failure’: Total Authorization failure number; ‘active-session’: Total Active Auth-Sessions; ‘active-user’: Total Active Users; ‘dns-resolve-failed’: Total AAM DNS resolve failed; ‘domain-wlist-match’: Total DOMAIN WHITELIST match number; ‘domain-wlist-unmatch’: Total DOMAIN WHITELIST unmatch number;

Type: string

Supported Values: all, requests, responses, misses, ocsp-stapling-requests-to-a10authd, ocsp-stapling-responses-from-a10authd, opened-socket, open-socket-failed, connect, connect-failed, created-timer, create-timer-failed, total-request, get-socket-option-failed, aflex-authz-succ, aflex-authz-fail, authn-success, authn-failure, authz-success, authz-failure, active-session, active-user, dns-resolve-failed, domain-wlist-match, domain-wlist-unmatch, auth_ctx_num