Configure http2
Parameters |
Choices/Defaults |
Comment |
state str/required |
[‘noop’, ‘present’, ‘absent’] |
State of the object to be created. |
ansible_host str/required |
Host for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_username str/required |
Username for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_password str/required |
Password for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_port int/required |
Port for AXAPI authentication |
a10_device_context_id int |
[‘1-8’] |
Device ID for aVCS configuration |
a10_partition str |
Destination/target partition for object/command |
uuid str |
uuid of the object |
sampling_enable list |
Field sampling_enable |
counters1 str |
‘all’= all; ‘curr_proxy’= Curr Proxy Conns; ‘total_proxy’= Total Proxy Conns; ‘connection_preface_rcvd’= Connection preface rcvd; ‘control_frame’= Control Frame Rcvd; ‘headers_frame’= HEADERS Frame Rcvd; ‘continuation_frame’= CONTINUATION Frame Rcvd; ‘rst_frame_rcvd’= RST_STREAM Frame Rcvd; ‘settings_frame’= SETTINGS Frame Rcvd; ‘window_update_frame’= WINDOW_UPDATE Frame Rcvd; ‘ping_frame’= PING Frame Rcvd; ‘goaway_frame’= GOAWAY Frame Rcvd; ‘priority_frame’= PRIORITY Frame Rcvd; ‘data_frame’= DATA Frame Recvd; ‘unknown_frame’= Unknown Frame Recvd; ‘connection_preface_sent’= Connection preface sent; ‘settings_frame_sent’= SETTINGS Frame Sent; ‘settings_ack_sent’= SETTINGS ACK Frame Sent; ‘empty_settings_sent’= Empty SETTINGS Frame Sent; ‘ping_frame_sent’= PING Frame Sent; ‘window_update_frame_sent’= WINDOW_UPDATE Frame Sent; ‘rst_frame_sent’= RST_STREAM Frame Sent; ‘goaway_frame_sent’= GOAWAY Frame Sent; ‘header_to_app’= HEADER Frame to HTTP; ‘data_to_app’= DATA Frame to HTTP; ‘protocol_error’= Protocol Error; ‘internal_error’= Internal Error; ‘proxy_alloc_error’= HTTP2 Proxy alloc Error; ‘split_buff_fail’= Splitting Buffer Failed; ‘invalid_frame_size’= Invalid Frame Size Rcvd; ‘error_max_invalid_stream’= Max Invalid Stream Rcvd; ‘data_no_stream’= DATA Frame Rcvd on non-existent stream; ‘flow_control_error’= Flow Control Error; ‘settings_timeout’= Settings Timeout; ‘frame_size_error’= Frame Size Error; ‘refused_stream’= Refused Stream; ‘cancel’= cancel; ‘compression_error’= compression error; ‘connect_error’= connect error; ‘enhance_your_calm’= enhance your calm error; ‘inadequate_security’= inadequate security; ‘http_1_1_required’= HTTP1.1 Required; ‘deflate_alloc_fail’= deflate alloc fail; ‘inflate_alloc_fail’= inflate alloc fail; ‘inflate_header_fail’= Inflate Header Fail; ‘bad_connection_preface’= Bad Connection Preface; ‘cant_allocate_control_frame’= Cant allocate control frame; ‘cant_allocate_settings_frame’= Cant allocate SETTINGS frame; ‘bad_frame_type_for_stream_state’= Bad frame type for stream state; ‘wrong_stream_state’= Wrong Stream State; ‘data_queue_alloc_error’= Data Queue Alloc Error; ‘buff_alloc_error’= Buff alloc error; ‘cant_allocate_rst_frame’= Cant allocate RST_STREAM frame; ‘cant_allocate_goaway_frame’= Cant allocate GOAWAY frame; ‘cant_allocate_ping_frame’= Cant allocate PING frame; ‘cant_allocate_stream’= Cant allocate stream; ‘cant_allocate_window_frame’= Cant allocate WINDOW_UPDATE frame; ‘header_no_stream’= header no stream; ‘header_padlen_gt_frame_payload’= Header padlen greater than frame payload size; ‘streams_gt_max_concur_streams’= Streams greater than max allowed concurrent streams; ‘idle_state_unexpected_frame’= Unxpected frame received in idle state; ‘reserved_local_state_unexpected_frame’= Unexpected frame received in reserved local state; ‘reserved_remote_state_unexpected_frame’= Unexpected frame received in reserved remote state; ‘half_closed_remote_state_unexpected_frame’= Unexpected frame received in half closed remote state; ‘closed_state_unexpected_frame’= Unexpected frame received in closed state; ‘zero_window_size_on_stream’= Window Update with zero increment rcvd; ‘exceeds_max_window_size_stream’= Window Update with increment that results in exceeding max window; ‘stream_closed’= stream closed; ‘continuation_before_headers’= CONTINUATION frame with no headers frame; ‘invalid_frame_during_headers’= frame before headers were complete; ‘headers_after_continuation’= headers frame before CONTINUATION was complete; ‘push_promise_frame_sent’= Push Promise Frame Sent; ‘invalid_push_promise’= unexpected PUSH_PROMISE frame; ‘invalid_stream_id’= received invalid stream ID; ‘headers_interleaved’= headers interleaved on streams; ‘trailers_no_end_stream’= trailers not marked as end-of-stream; ‘invalid_setting_value’= invalid setting-frame value; ‘invalid_window_update’= window-update value out of range; ‘frame_header_bytes_received’= frame header bytes received; ‘frame_header_bytes_sent’= frame header bytes sent; ‘control_bytes_received’= HTTP/2 control frame bytes received; ‘control_bytes_sent’= HTTP/2 control frame bytes sent; ‘header_bytes_received’= HTTP/2 header bytes received; ‘header_bytes_sent’= HTTP/2 header bytes sent; ‘data_bytes_received’= HTTP/2 data bytes received; ‘data_bytes_sent’= HTTP/2 data bytes sent; ‘total_bytes_received’= HTTP/2 total bytes received; ‘total_bytes_sent’= HTTP/2 total bytes sent; ‘peak_proxy’= Peak Proxy Conns; ‘control_frame_sent’= Control Frame Sent; ‘continuation_frame_sent’= CONTINUATION Frame Sent; ‘data_frame_sent’= DATA Frame Sent; ‘headers_frame_sent’= HEADERS Frame Sent; ‘priority_frame_sent’= PRIORITY Frame Sent; ‘settings_ack_rcvd’= SETTINGS ACK Frame Rcvd; ‘empty_settings_rcvd’= Empty SETTINGS Frame Rcvd; ‘alloc_fail_total’= Alloc Fail - Total; ‘err_rcvd_total’= Error Rcvd - Total; ‘err_sent_total’= Error Rent - Total; ‘err_sent_proto_err’= Error Sent - PROTOCOL_ERROR; ‘err_sent_internal_err’= Error Sent - INTERNAL_ERROR; ‘err_sent_flow_control’= Error Sent - FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR; ‘err_sent_setting_timeout’= Error Sent - SETTINGS_TIMEOUT; ‘err_sent_stream_closed’= Error Sent - STREAM_CLOSED; ‘err_sent_frame_size_err’= Error Sent - FRAME_SIZE_ERROR; ‘err_sent_refused_stream’= Error Sent - REFUSED_STREAM; ‘err_sent_cancel’= Error Sent - CANCEL; ‘err_sent_compression_err’= Error Sent - COMPRESSION_ERROR; ‘err_sent_connect_err’= Error Sent - CONNECT_ERROR; ‘err_sent_your_calm’= Error Sent - ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM; ‘err_sent_inadequate_security’= Error Sent - INADEQUATE_SECURITY; ‘err_sent_http11_required’= Error Sent - HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED; ‘http2_rejected’= HTTP2 Rejected; |
oper dict |
Field oper |
http2_cpu_list list |
Field http2_cpu_list |
cpu_count int |
Field cpu_count |
stats dict |
Field stats |
curr_proxy str |
Curr Proxy Conns |
total_proxy str |
Total Proxy Conns |
connection_preface_rcvd str |
Connection preface rcvd |
control_frame str |
Control Frame Rcvd |
headers_frame str |
HEADERS Frame Rcvd |
continuation_frame str |
rst_frame_rcvd str |
RST_STREAM Frame Rcvd |
settings_frame str |
SETTINGS Frame Rcvd |
window_update_frame str |
ping_frame str |
PING Frame Rcvd |
goaway_frame str |
GOAWAY Frame Rcvd |
priority_frame str |
PRIORITY Frame Rcvd |
data_frame str |
DATA Frame Recvd |
unknown_frame str |
Unknown Frame Recvd |
connection_preface_sent str |
Connection preface sent |
settings_frame_sent str |
SETTINGS Frame Sent |
settings_ack_sent str |
empty_settings_sent str |
Empty SETTINGS Frame Sent |
ping_frame_sent str |
PING Frame Sent |
window_update_frame_sent str |
rst_frame_sent str |
RST_STREAM Frame Sent |
goaway_frame_sent str |
GOAWAY Frame Sent |
header_to_app str |
HEADER Frame to HTTP |
data_to_app str |
DATA Frame to HTTP |
protocol_error str |
Protocol Error |
internal_error str |
Internal Error |
proxy_alloc_error str |
HTTP2 Proxy alloc Error |
split_buff_fail str |
Splitting Buffer Failed |
invalid_frame_size str |
Invalid Frame Size Rcvd |
error_max_invalid_stream str |
Max Invalid Stream Rcvd |
data_no_stream str |
DATA Frame Rcvd on non-existent stream |
flow_control_error str |
Flow Control Error |
settings_timeout str |
Settings Timeout |
frame_size_error str |
Frame Size Error |
refused_stream str |
Refused Stream |
cancel str |
cancel |
compression_error str |
compression error |
connect_error str |
connect error |
enhance_your_calm str |
enhance your calm error |
inadequate_security str |
inadequate security |
http_1_1_required str |
HTTP1.1 Required |
deflate_alloc_fail str |
deflate alloc fail |
inflate_alloc_fail str |
inflate alloc fail |
inflate_header_fail str |
Inflate Header Fail |
bad_connection_preface str |
Bad Connection Preface |
cant_allocate_control_frame str |
Cant allocate control frame |
cant_allocate_settings_frame str |
Cant allocate SETTINGS frame |
bad_frame_type_for_stream_state str |
Bad frame type for stream state |
wrong_stream_state str |
Wrong Stream State |
data_queue_alloc_error str |
Data Queue Alloc Error |
buff_alloc_error str |
Buff alloc error |
cant_allocate_rst_frame str |
Cant allocate RST_STREAM frame |
cant_allocate_goaway_frame str |
Cant allocate GOAWAY frame |
cant_allocate_ping_frame str |
Cant allocate PING frame |
cant_allocate_stream str |
Cant allocate stream |
cant_allocate_window_frame str |
Cant allocate WINDOW_UPDATE frame |
header_no_stream str |
header no stream |
header_padlen_gt_frame_payload str |
Header padlen greater than frame payload size |
streams_gt_max_concur_streams str |
Streams greater than max allowed concurrent streams |
idle_state_unexpected_frame str |
Unxpected frame received in idle state |
reserved_local_state_unexpected_frame str |
Unexpected frame received in reserved local state |
reserved_remote_state_unexpected_frame str |
Unexpected frame received in reserved remote state |
half_closed_remote_state_unexpected_frame str |
Unexpected frame received in half closed remote state |
closed_state_unexpected_frame str |
Unexpected frame received in closed state |
zero_window_size_on_stream str |
Window Update with zero increment rcvd |
exceeds_max_window_size_stream str |
Window Update with increment that results in exceeding max window |
stream_closed str |
stream closed |
continuation_before_headers str |
CONTINUATION frame with no headers frame |
invalid_frame_during_headers str |
frame before headers were complete |
headers_after_continuation str |
headers frame before CONTINUATION was complete |
push_promise_frame_sent str |
Push Promise Frame Sent |
invalid_push_promise str |
unexpected PUSH_PROMISE frame |
invalid_stream_id str |
received invalid stream ID |
headers_interleaved str |
headers interleaved on streams |
trailers_no_end_stream str |
trailers not marked as end-of-stream |
invalid_setting_value str |
invalid setting-frame value |
invalid_window_update str |
window-update value out of range |
frame_header_bytes_received str |
frame header bytes received |
frame_header_bytes_sent str |
frame header bytes sent |
control_bytes_received str |
HTTP/2 control frame bytes received |
control_bytes_sent str |
HTTP/2 control frame bytes sent |
header_bytes_received str |
HTTP/2 header bytes received |
header_bytes_sent str |
HTTP/2 header bytes sent |
data_bytes_received str |
HTTP/2 data bytes received |
data_bytes_sent str |
HTTP/2 data bytes sent |
total_bytes_received str |
HTTP/2 total bytes received |
total_bytes_sent str |
HTTP/2 total bytes sent |
peak_proxy str |
Peak Proxy Conns |
control_frame_sent str |
Control Frame Sent |
continuation_frame_sent str |
data_frame_sent str |
DATA Frame Sent |
headers_frame_sent str |
HEADERS Frame Sent |
priority_frame_sent str |
PRIORITY Frame Sent |
settings_ack_rcvd str |
empty_settings_rcvd str |
Empty SETTINGS Frame Rcvd |
alloc_fail_total str |
Alloc Fail - Total |
err_rcvd_total str |
Error Rcvd - Total |
err_sent_total str |
Error Rent - Total |
err_sent_proto_err str |
err_sent_internal_err str |
err_sent_flow_control str |
err_sent_setting_timeout str |
err_sent_stream_closed str |
Error Sent - STREAM_CLOSED |
err_sent_frame_size_err str |
err_sent_refused_stream str |
err_sent_cancel str |
Error Sent - CANCEL |
err_sent_compression_err str |
err_sent_connect_err str |
Error Sent - CONNECT_ERROR |
err_sent_your_calm str |
err_sent_inadequate_security str |
err_sent_http11_required str |
Error Sent - HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED |
http2_rejected str |
HTTP2 Rejected |
Return Values
- modified_values (changed, dict, )
Values modified (or potential changes if using check_mode) as a result of task operation
- axapi_calls (always, list, )
Sequential list of AXAPI calls made by the task
- endpoint (, str, [‘/axapi/v3/slb/virtual_server’, ‘/axapi/v3/file/ssl-cert’])
The AXAPI endpoint being accessed.
- http_method (, str, [‘POST’, ‘GET’])
HTTP method being used by the primary task to interact with the AXAPI endpoint.
- request_body (, complex, )
Params used to query the AXAPI
- response_body (, complex, )
Response from the AXAPI
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.