HA VRRP-A Global Commands
Parameters |
Choices/Defaults |
Comment |
state str/required |
[‘noop’, ‘present’, ‘absent’] |
State of the object to be created. |
ansible_host str/required |
Host for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_username str/required |
Username for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_password str/required |
Password for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_port int/required |
Port for AXAPI authentication |
a10_device_context_id int |
[‘1-8’] |
Device ID for aVCS configuration |
a10_partition str |
Destination/target partition for object/command |
uuid str |
uuid of the object |
sampling_enable list |
Field sampling_enable |
counters1 str |
‘all’= all; ‘sync_pkt_tx_counter’= Conn Sync Sent counter; ‘sync_pkt_rcv_counter’= Conn Sync Received counter; ‘sync_rx_create_counter’= Conn Sync Create Session Received counter; ‘sync_rx_del_counter’= Conn Sync Del Session Received counter; ‘sync_rx_update_age_counter’= Conn Sync Update Age Received counter; ‘sync_tx_create_counter’= Conn Sync Create Session Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_del_counter’= Conn Sync Del Session Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_update_age_counter’= Conn Sync Update Age Sent counter; ‘sync_rx_persist_create_counter’= Conn Sync Create Persist Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_rx_persist_del_counter’= Conn Sync Delete Persist Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_rx_persist_update_age_counter’= Conn Sync Update Persist Age Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_tx_persist_create_counter’= Conn Sync Create Persist Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_persist_del_counter’= Conn Sync Delete Persist Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_persist_update_age_counter’= Conn Sync Update Persist Age Pkts Sent counter; ‘query_pkt_tx_counter’= Conn Query sent counter; ‘query_pkt_rcv_counter’= Conn Query Received counter; ‘sync_tx_smp_radius_table_counter’= Conn Sync Update LSN RADIUS Sent counter; ‘sync_rx_smp_radius_table_counter’= Conn Sync Update LSN RADIUS Received counter; ‘query_tx_max_packed’= Max Query Msg Per Packet; ‘query_tx_min_packed’= Min Query Msg Per Packet; ‘query_pkt_invalid_idx_counter’= Conn Query Invalid Interface; ‘query_tx_get_buff_failed’= Conn Query Get Buff Failure; ‘query_rx_zero_info_counter’= Conn Query Packet Empty; ‘query_rx_full_info_counter’= Conn Query Packet Full; ‘query_rx_unk_counter’= Conn Query Unknown Type; ‘sync_pkt_invalid_idx_counter’= Conn Sync Invalid Interface; ‘sync_tx_get_buff_failed’= Conn Sync Get Buff Failure; ‘sync_tx_total_info_counter’= Conn Sync Total Info Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_create_ext_bit_counter’= Conn Sync Create with Ext Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_update_seqnos_counter’= Conn Sync Update Seq Num Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_min_packed’= Max Sync Msg Per Packet; ‘sync_tx_max_packed’= Min Sync Msg Per Packet; ‘sync_rx_len_invalid’= Conn Sync Length Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_len_invalid’= Persist Conn Sync Length Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_proto_not_supported’= Persist Conn Sync Protocol Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_type_invalid’= Persist Conn Sync Type Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_cannot_process_mandatory’= Persist Conn Sync Process Mandatory Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_ext_bit_process_error’= Persist Conn Sync Proc Ext Bit Failure; ‘sync_persist_rx_no_such_vport’= Persist Conn Sync Virt Port Not Found; ‘sync_persist_rx_vporttype_not_supported’= Persist Conn Sync Virt Port Type Invalid; ‘sync_persist_rx_no_such_rport’= Persist Conn Sync Real Port Not Found; ‘sync_persist_rx_no_such_sg_group’= Persist Conn Sync No Service Group Found; ‘sync_persist_rx_no_sg_group_info’= Persist Conn Sync No Service Group Info Found; ‘sync_persist_rx_conn_get_failed’= Persist Conn Sync Get Conn Failure; ‘sync_rx_no_such_vport’= Conn Sync Virt Port Not Found; ‘sync_rx_no_such_rport’= Conn Sync Real Port Not Found; ‘sync_rx_cannot_process_mandatory’= Conn Sync Process Mandatory Invalid; ‘sync_rx_ext_bit_process_error’= Conn Sync Proc Ext Bit Failure; ‘sync_rx_create_ext_bit_counter’= Conn Sync Create with Ext Received counter; ‘sync_rx_conn_exists’= Conn Sync Create Conn Exists; ‘sync_rx_conn_get_failed’= Conn Sync Get Conn Failure; ‘sync_rx_proto_not_supported’= Conn Sync Protocol Invalid; ‘sync_rx_no_dst_for_vport_inline’= Conn Sync ‘dst’ not found for vport inline; ‘sync_rx_no_such_nat_pool’= Conn Sync NAT Pool Error; ‘sync_rx_no_such_sg_node’= Conn Sync no SG node found; ‘sync_rx_del_no_such_session’= Conn Sync Del Conn not Found; ‘sync_rx_type_invalid’= Conn Sync Type Invalid; ‘sync_rx_zero_info_counter’= Conn Sync Packet Empty; ‘sync_rx_dcmsg_counter’= Conn Sync forward CPU; ‘sync_rx_total_info_counter’= Conn Sync Total Info Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_rx_update_seqnos_counter’= Conn Sync Update Seq Num Received counter; ‘sync_rx_unk_counter’= Conn Sync Unknown Type; ‘sync_rx_apptype_not_supported’= Conn Sync App Type Invalid; ‘sync_query_dcmsg_counter’= Conn Sync query forward CPU; ‘sync_get_buff_failed_rt’= Conn Sync Get Buff Failure No Route; ‘sync_get_buff_failed_port’= Conn Sync Get Buff Failure Wrong Port; ‘sync_rx_lsn_create_sby’= Conn Sync LSN Create Standby; ‘sync_rx_nat_create_sby’= Conn Sync NAT Create Standby; ‘sync_rx_nat_alloc_sby’= Conn Sync NAT Alloc Standby; ‘sync_rx_insert_tuple’= Conn Sync Insert Tuple; ‘sync_rx_sfw’= Conn Sync SFW; ‘sync_rx_create_static_sby’= Conn Sync Create Static Standby; ‘sync_rx_ext_pptp’= Conn Sync Ext PPTP; ‘sync_rx_ext_rtsp’= Conn Sync Ext RTSP; ‘sync_rx_reserve_ha’= Conn Sync Reserve HA Conn; ‘sync_rx_seq_deltas’= Conn Sync Seq Deltas Failure; ‘sync_rx_ftp_control’= Conn Sync FTP Control Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_lsn_acl’= Conn Sync LSN ACL Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_lsn_ac_idle_timeout’= Conn Sync LSN ACL Idle Timeout Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_sip_alg’= Conn Sync SIP TCP ALG Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_h323_alg’= Conn Sync H323 TCP ALG Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_nat_mac’= Conn Sync NAT MAC Failure; ‘sync_tx_lsn_fullcone’= Conn Sync Update LSN Fullcone Sent counter; ‘sync_rx_lsn_fullcone’= Conn Sync Update LSN Fullcone Received counter; ‘sync_err_lsn_fullcone’= Conn Sync LSN Fullcone Failure; ‘sync_tx_update_sctp_conn_addr’= Update SCTP Addresses Sent; ‘sync_rx_update_sctp_conn_addr’= Update SCTP Addresses Received; ‘sync_rx_ext_nat_alg_tcp_info’= Conn Sync NAT ALG TCP Information; ‘sync_rx_ext_dcfw_rule_id’= Conn Sync FIREWALL session rule ID information Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_dcfw_log’= Conn Sync FIREWALL session logging information Failure; ‘sync_rx_estab_counter’= Conn Sync rcv established state; ‘sync_tx_estab_counter’= Conn Sync send established state; ‘sync_rx_zone_failure_counter’= Conn Sync Zone Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_http_logging’= FW HTTP Logging Sync Failures; ‘sync_rx_ext_dcfw_rule_idle_timeout’= Conn Sync FIREWALL session rule idle timeout information Failure; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_info’= FW GTP Info Received; ‘sync_rx_not_expect_sync_pkt’= unexpected session sync packets; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_apps’= Conn Sync FIREWALL application information Failure; ‘sync_tx_mon_entity’= Acos Monitoring Entities Sync Messages Sent; ‘sync_rx_mon_entity’= Acos monitoring Entities Sync Messages Received; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_log_info’= FW GTP Log Info Received; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_u_info’= FW GTP U Info Received; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_ext_info’= FW GTP Ext Info Received; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_log_ext_info’= FW GTP Ext Log Info Received; ‘sync_rx_ddos_drop_counter’= Conn Sync receive ddos protect packet; ‘sync_rx_invalid_sync_packet_counter’= Conn Sync receive invalid packet; ‘sync_pkt_empty_buff_counter’= Conn Sync drop sending packet for empty buffer; ‘sync_pkt_no_sending_vgrp_counter’= Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid sending virtual group; ‘sync_pkt_no_receiving_vgrp_counter’= Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid receiving virtual group; ‘query_pkt_no_receiving_ip_counter’= Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid receiving ip; ‘sync_pkt_failed_buff_copy_counter’= Conn Sync drop sending packet for failure in sending buffer copy; ‘sync_rx_bad_protocol_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with bad protocol; ‘sync_rx_no_vgrp_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with no virtual group; ‘sync_rx_by_inactive_peer_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet by inactive peer; ‘sync_rx_table_entry_update_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with table entry update; ‘sync_rx_table_entry_create_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with table entry create; |
counters2 str |
‘sync_rx_table_entry_del_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with table entry delete; ‘sync_rx_aflex_update_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with aflex update; ‘sync_rx_aflex_create_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with aflex create; ‘sync_rx_aflex_del_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with aflex delete; ‘sync_rx_aflex_frag_counter’= Conn Sync receive packet with aflex fragment; ‘query_rx_invalid_partition_counter’= Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid partition; ‘query_rx_invalid_ha_group_counter’= Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid ha group; ‘query_rx_invalid_sync_version_counter’= Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid sync version; ‘query_rx_invalid_msg_dir_counter’= Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid message dir; ‘sync_rx_out_of_order_pkt_counter’= total number of out of order packets received; ‘sync_rx_unreached_pkt_counter’= total number of unreached packets; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_echo_ext_info’= FW GTP Echo Ext Info Received; ‘sync_rx_smp_create_counter’= Sync Create SMP Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_rx_smp_delete_counter’= Sync Delete SMP Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_rx_smp_update_counter’= Sync Update SMP Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_tx_smp_create_counter’= Sync Create SMP Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_smp_delete_counter’= Sync Delete SMP Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_tx_smp_update_counter’= Sync Update SMP Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_rx_smp_clear_counter’= Sync Clear SMP Session Pkts Received counter; ‘sync_tx_smp_clear_counter’= Sync Clear SMP Session Pkts Sent counter; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_so_shadow_ext_info’= FW Scaleout Shadow Ext Info Received; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_add_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry add; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_add_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry add; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_append_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry append; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_append_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry append; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_delete_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry delete; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_delete_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry delete; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_incr_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry incr; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_incr_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry incr; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_lookup_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry lookup; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_lookup_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry lookup; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_lifetime_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry lifetime; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_lifetime_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry lifetime; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_replace_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry replace; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_replace_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry replace; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_set_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry set; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_set_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry set; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_timeout_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry timeout; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_timeout_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry timeout; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_fastsync_counter’= Sync send packet with aflex table entry fast sync; ‘sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_fastsync_counter’= Sync receive packet with aflex table entry fast sync; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_error_counter’= Error on send packet with aflex table entry; ‘sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_not_eligible_counter’= send of aflex table entry not eligible; ‘sync_rx_ext_fw_limit_entry’= Sync FW Limit Entry Info Failure; |
stats dict |
Field stats |
sync_pkt_tx_counter str |
Conn Sync Sent counter |
sync_pkt_rcv_counter str |
Conn Sync Received counter |
sync_rx_create_counter str |
Conn Sync Create Session Received counter |
sync_rx_del_counter str |
Conn Sync Del Session Received counter |
sync_rx_update_age_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Age Received counter |
sync_tx_create_counter str |
Conn Sync Create Session Sent counter |
sync_tx_del_counter str |
Conn Sync Del Session Sent counter |
sync_tx_update_age_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Age Sent counter |
sync_rx_persist_create_counter str |
Conn Sync Create Persist Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_rx_persist_del_counter str |
Conn Sync Delete Persist Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_rx_persist_update_age_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Persist Age Pkts Received counter |
sync_tx_persist_create_counter str |
Conn Sync Create Persist Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_tx_persist_del_counter str |
Conn Sync Delete Persist Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_tx_persist_update_age_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Persist Age Pkts Sent counter |
query_pkt_tx_counter str |
Conn Query sent counter |
query_pkt_rcv_counter str |
Conn Query Received counter |
sync_tx_smp_radius_table_counter str |
Conn Sync Update LSN RADIUS Sent counter |
sync_rx_smp_radius_table_counter str |
Conn Sync Update LSN RADIUS Received counter |
query_tx_max_packed str |
Max Query Msg Per Packet |
query_tx_min_packed str |
Min Query Msg Per Packet |
query_pkt_invalid_idx_counter str |
Conn Query Invalid Interface |
query_tx_get_buff_failed str |
Conn Query Get Buff Failure |
query_rx_zero_info_counter str |
Conn Query Packet Empty |
query_rx_full_info_counter str |
Conn Query Packet Full |
query_rx_unk_counter str |
Conn Query Unknown Type |
sync_pkt_invalid_idx_counter str |
Conn Sync Invalid Interface |
sync_tx_get_buff_failed str |
Conn Sync Get Buff Failure |
sync_tx_total_info_counter str |
Conn Sync Total Info Pkts Sent counter |
sync_tx_create_ext_bit_counter str |
Conn Sync Create with Ext Sent counter |
sync_tx_update_seqnos_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Seq Num Sent counter |
sync_tx_min_packed str |
Max Sync Msg Per Packet |
sync_tx_max_packed str |
Min Sync Msg Per Packet |
sync_rx_len_invalid str |
Conn Sync Length Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_len_invalid str |
Persist Conn Sync Length Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_proto_not_supported str |
Persist Conn Sync Protocol Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_type_invalid str |
Persist Conn Sync Type Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_cannot_process_mandatory str |
Persist Conn Sync Process Mandatory Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_ext_bit_process_error str |
Persist Conn Sync Proc Ext Bit Failure |
sync_persist_rx_no_such_vport str |
Persist Conn Sync Virt Port Not Found |
sync_persist_rx_vporttype_not_supported str |
Persist Conn Sync Virt Port Type Invalid |
sync_persist_rx_no_such_rport str |
Persist Conn Sync Real Port Not Found |
sync_persist_rx_no_such_sg_group str |
Persist Conn Sync No Service Group Found |
sync_persist_rx_no_sg_group_info str |
Persist Conn Sync No Service Group Info Found |
sync_persist_rx_conn_get_failed str |
Persist Conn Sync Get Conn Failure |
sync_rx_no_such_vport str |
Conn Sync Virt Port Not Found |
sync_rx_no_such_rport str |
Conn Sync Real Port Not Found |
sync_rx_cannot_process_mandatory str |
Conn Sync Process Mandatory Invalid |
sync_rx_ext_bit_process_error str |
Conn Sync Proc Ext Bit Failure |
sync_rx_create_ext_bit_counter str |
Conn Sync Create with Ext Received counter |
sync_rx_conn_exists str |
Conn Sync Create Conn Exists |
sync_rx_conn_get_failed str |
Conn Sync Get Conn Failure |
sync_rx_proto_not_supported str |
Conn Sync Protocol Invalid |
sync_rx_no_dst_for_vport_inline str |
Conn Sync ‘dst’ not found for vport inline |
sync_rx_no_such_nat_pool str |
Conn Sync NAT Pool Error |
sync_rx_no_such_sg_node str |
Conn Sync no SG node found |
sync_rx_del_no_such_session str |
Conn Sync Del Conn not Found |
sync_rx_type_invalid str |
Conn Sync Type Invalid |
sync_rx_zero_info_counter str |
Conn Sync Packet Empty |
sync_rx_dcmsg_counter str |
Conn Sync forward CPU |
sync_rx_total_info_counter str |
Conn Sync Total Info Pkts Received counter |
sync_rx_update_seqnos_counter str |
Conn Sync Update Seq Num Received counter |
sync_rx_unk_counter str |
Conn Sync Unknown Type |
sync_rx_apptype_not_supported str |
Conn Sync App Type Invalid |
sync_query_dcmsg_counter str |
Conn Sync query forward CPU |
sync_get_buff_failed_rt str |
Conn Sync Get Buff Failure No Route |
sync_get_buff_failed_port str |
Conn Sync Get Buff Failure Wrong Port |
sync_rx_lsn_create_sby str |
Conn Sync LSN Create Standby |
sync_rx_nat_create_sby str |
Conn Sync NAT Create Standby |
sync_rx_nat_alloc_sby str |
Conn Sync NAT Alloc Standby |
sync_rx_insert_tuple str |
Conn Sync Insert Tuple |
sync_rx_sfw str |
Conn Sync SFW |
sync_rx_create_static_sby str |
Conn Sync Create Static Standby |
sync_rx_ext_pptp str |
Conn Sync Ext PPTP |
sync_rx_ext_rtsp str |
Conn Sync Ext RTSP |
sync_rx_reserve_ha str |
Conn Sync Reserve HA Conn |
sync_rx_seq_deltas str |
Conn Sync Seq Deltas Failure |
sync_rx_ftp_control str |
Conn Sync FTP Control Failure |
sync_rx_ext_lsn_acl str |
Conn Sync LSN ACL Failure |
sync_rx_ext_lsn_ac_idle_timeout str |
Conn Sync LSN ACL Idle Timeout Failure |
sync_rx_ext_sip_alg str |
Conn Sync SIP TCP ALG Failure |
sync_rx_ext_h323_alg str |
Conn Sync H323 TCP ALG Failure |
sync_rx_ext_nat_mac str |
Conn Sync NAT MAC Failure |
sync_tx_lsn_fullcone str |
Conn Sync Update LSN Fullcone Sent counter |
sync_rx_lsn_fullcone str |
Conn Sync Update LSN Fullcone Received counter |
sync_err_lsn_fullcone str |
Conn Sync LSN Fullcone Failure |
sync_tx_update_sctp_conn_addr str |
Update SCTP Addresses Sent |
sync_rx_update_sctp_conn_addr str |
Update SCTP Addresses Received |
sync_rx_ext_nat_alg_tcp_info str |
Conn Sync NAT ALG TCP Information |
sync_rx_ext_dcfw_rule_id str |
Conn Sync FIREWALL session rule ID information Failure |
sync_rx_ext_dcfw_log str |
Conn Sync FIREWALL session logging information Failure |
sync_rx_estab_counter str |
Conn Sync rcv established state |
sync_tx_estab_counter str |
Conn Sync send established state |
sync_rx_zone_failure_counter str |
Conn Sync Zone Failure |
sync_rx_ext_fw_http_logging str |
FW HTTP Logging Sync Failures |
sync_rx_ext_dcfw_rule_idle_timeout str |
Conn Sync FIREWALL session rule idle timeout information Failure |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_info str |
FW GTP Info Received |
sync_rx_not_expect_sync_pkt str |
unexpected session sync packets |
sync_rx_ext_fw_apps str |
Conn Sync FIREWALL application information Failure |
sync_tx_mon_entity str |
Acos Monitoring Entities Sync Messages Sent |
sync_rx_mon_entity str |
Acos monitoring Entities Sync Messages Received |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_log_info str |
FW GTP Log Info Received |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_u_info str |
FW GTP U Info Received |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_ext_info str |
FW GTP Ext Info Received |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_log_ext_info str |
FW GTP Ext Log Info Received |
sync_rx_ddos_drop_counter str |
Conn Sync receive ddos protect packet |
sync_rx_invalid_sync_packet_counter str |
Conn Sync receive invalid packet |
sync_pkt_empty_buff_counter str |
Conn Sync drop sending packet for empty buffer |
sync_pkt_no_sending_vgrp_counter str |
Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid sending virtual group |
sync_pkt_no_receiving_vgrp_counter str |
Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid receiving virtual group |
query_pkt_no_receiving_ip_counter str |
Conn Sync drop sending packet for invalid receiving ip |
sync_pkt_failed_buff_copy_counter str |
Conn Sync drop sending packet for failure in sending buffer copy |
sync_rx_bad_protocol_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with bad protocol |
sync_rx_no_vgrp_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with no virtual group |
sync_rx_by_inactive_peer_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet by inactive peer |
sync_rx_table_entry_update_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with table entry update |
sync_rx_table_entry_create_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with table entry create |
sync_rx_table_entry_del_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with table entry delete |
sync_rx_aflex_update_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with aflex update |
sync_rx_aflex_create_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with aflex create |
sync_rx_aflex_del_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with aflex delete |
sync_rx_aflex_frag_counter str |
Conn Sync receive packet with aflex fragment |
query_rx_invalid_partition_counter str |
Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid partition |
query_rx_invalid_ha_group_counter str |
Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid ha group |
query_rx_invalid_sync_version_counter str |
Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid sync version |
query_rx_invalid_msg_dir_counter str |
Conn Sync receive query packet with invalid message dir |
sync_rx_out_of_order_pkt_counter str |
total number of out of order packets received |
sync_rx_unreached_pkt_counter str |
total number of unreached packets |
sync_rx_ext_fw_gtp_echo_ext_info str |
FW GTP Echo Ext Info Received |
sync_rx_smp_create_counter str |
Sync Create SMP Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_rx_smp_delete_counter str |
Sync Delete SMP Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_rx_smp_update_counter str |
Sync Update SMP Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_tx_smp_create_counter str |
Sync Create SMP Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_tx_smp_delete_counter str |
Sync Delete SMP Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_tx_smp_update_counter str |
Sync Update SMP Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_rx_smp_clear_counter str |
Sync Clear SMP Session Pkts Received counter |
sync_tx_smp_clear_counter str |
Sync Clear SMP Session Pkts Sent counter |
sync_rx_ext_fw_so_shadow_ext_info str |
FW Scaleout Shadow Ext Info Received |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_add_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry add |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_add_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry add |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_append_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry append |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_append_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry append |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_delete_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry delete |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_delete_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry delete |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_incr_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry incr |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_incr_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry incr |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_lookup_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry lookup |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_lookup_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry lookup |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_lifetime_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry lifetime |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_lifetime_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry lifetime |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_replace_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry replace |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_replace_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry replace |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_set_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry set |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_set_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry set |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_timeout_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry timeout |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_timeout_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry timeout |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_fastsync_counter str |
Sync send packet with aflex table entry fast sync |
sync_rx_aflex_table_entry_fastsync_counter str |
Sync receive packet with aflex table entry fast sync |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_error_counter str |
Error on send packet with aflex table entry |
sync_tx_aflex_table_entry_not_eligible_counter str |
send of aflex table entry not eligible |
sync_rx_ext_fw_limit_entry str |
Sync FW Limit Entry Info Failure |
Return Values
- modified_values (changed, dict, )
Values modified (or potential changes if using check_mode) as a result of task operation
- axapi_calls (always, list, )
Sequential list of AXAPI calls made by the task
- endpoint (, str, [‘/axapi/v3/slb/virtual_server’, ‘/axapi/v3/file/ssl-cert’])
The AXAPI endpoint being accessed.
- http_method (, str, [‘POST’, ‘GET’])
HTTP method being used by the primary task to interact with the AXAPI endpoint.
- request_body (, complex, )
Params used to query the AXAPI
- response_body (, complex, )
Response from the AXAPI
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.