Parameters |
Choices/Defaults |
Comment |
state str/required |
[‘noop’, ‘present’, ‘absent’] |
State of the object to be created. |
ansible_host str/required |
Host for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_username str/required |
Username for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_password str/required |
Password for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_port int/required |
Port for AXAPI authentication |
a10_device_context_id int |
[‘1-8’] |
Device ID for aVCS configuration |
a10_partition str |
Destination/target partition for object/command |
name str/required |
HTTP Template Name |
compression_auto_disable_on_high_cpu int |
Auto-disable software compression on high cpu usage (Disable compression if cpu usage is above threshold. Default is off.) |
compression_content_type list |
Field compression_content_type |
content_type str |
Compression content-type |
compression_enable bool |
Enable Compression |
compression_exclude_content_type list |
Field compression_exclude_content_type |
exclude_content_type str |
Compression exclude content-type (Compression exclude content type) |
compression_exclude_uri list |
Field compression_exclude_uri |
exclude_uri str |
Compression exclude uri |
compression_keep_accept_encoding bool |
Keep accept encoding |
compression_keep_accept_encoding_enable bool |
Enable Server Accept Encoding |
compression_level int |
compression level, default 1 (compression level value, default is 1) |
compression_minimum_content_length int |
Minimum Content Length (Minimum content length for compression in bytes. Default is 120.) |
default_charset str |
‘iso-8859-1’= Use ISO-8859-1 as the default charset; ‘utf-8’= Use UTF-8 as the default charset; ‘us-ascii’= Use US-ASCII as the default charset; |
max_concurrent_streams int |
(http2 only) Max concurrent streams, default 100 |
frame_limit int |
Limit the number of CONTINUATION, PING, PRIORITY, RESET, SETTINGS and empty frames in one HTTP2 connection, default 10000 |
failover_url str |
Failover to this URL (Failover URL Name) |
host_switching list |
Field host_switching |
host_switching_type str |
‘contains’= Select service group if hostname contains another string; ‘ends- with’= Select service group if hostname ends with another string; ‘equals’= Select service group if hostname equals another string; ‘starts-with’= Select service group if hostname starts with another string; ‘regex-match’= Select service group if URL string matches with regular expression; ‘host-hits- enable’= Enables Host Hits counters; |
host_match_string str |
Hostname String |
host_service_group str |
Create a Service Group comprising Servers (Service Group Name) |
insert_client_ip bool |
Insert Client IP address into HTTP header |
insert_client_ip_header_name str |
HTTP Header Name for inserting Client IP |
client_ip_hdr_replace bool |
Replace the existing header |
insert_client_port bool |
Insert Client Port address into HTTP header |
insert_client_port_header_name str |
HTTP Header Name for inserting Client Port |
client_port_hdr_replace bool |
Replace the existing header |
log_retry bool |
log when HTTP request retry |
non_http_bypass bool |
Bypass non-http traffic instead of dropping |
bypass_sg str |
Select service group for non-http traffic (Service Group Name) |
redirect bool |
Automatically send a redirect response |
rd_simple_loc str |
Redirect location tag absolute URI string |
rd_secure bool |
rd_port int |
Port (Port Number) |
rd_resp_code str |
‘301’= Moved Permanently; ‘302’= Found; ‘303’= See Other; ‘307’= Temporary Redirect; |
redirect_rewrite dict |
Field redirect_rewrite |
match_list list |
Field match_list |
redirect_secure bool |
redirect_secure_port int |
Port (Port Number) |
request_header_erase_list list |
Field request_header_erase_list |
request_header_erase str |
Erase a header from HTTP request (Header Name) |
request_header_insert_list list |
Field request_header_insert_list |
request_header_insert str |
Insert a header into HTTP request (Header Content (Format= ‘[name]=[value]’)) |
request_header_insert_type str |
‘insert-if-not-exist’= Only insert the header when it does not exist; ‘insert- always’= Always insert the header even when there is a header with the same name; |
response_content_replace_list list |
Field response_content_replace_list |
response_content_replace str |
replace the data from HTTP response content (String in the http content need to be replaced) |
response_new_string str |
String will be in the http content |
response_header_erase_list list |
Field response_header_erase_list |
response_header_erase str |
Erase a header from HTTP response (Header Name) |
response_header_insert_list list |
Field response_header_insert_list |
response_header_insert str |
Insert a header into HTTP response (Header Content (Format= ‘[name]=[value]’)) |
response_header_insert_type str |
‘insert-if-not-exist’= Only insert the header when it does not exist; ‘insert- always’= Always insert the header even when there is a header with the same name; |
request_timeout int |
Request timeout if response not received (timeout in seconds) |
retry_on_5xx bool |
Retry http request on HTTP 5xx code and request timeout |
retry_on_5xx_val int |
Number of times to retry (default is 3) |
retry_on_5xx_per_req bool |
Retry http request on HTTP 5xx code for each request |
retry_on_5xx_per_req_val int |
Number of times to retry (default is 3) |
strict_transaction_switch bool |
Force server selection on every HTTP request |
template dict |
Field template |
logging str |
Logging template (Logging Config name) |
term_11client_hdr_conn_close bool |
Terminate HTTP 1.1 client when req has Connection= close |
persist_on_401 bool |
Persist to the same server if the response code is 401 |
http_100_cont_wait_for_req_complete bool |
When REQ has Expect 100 and response is not 100, then wait for whole request to be sent |
url_hash_persist bool |
Use URL’s hash value to select server |
url_hash_offset int |
Skip part of URL to calculate hash value (Offset of the URL string) |
url_hash_first int |
Use the begining part of URL to calculate hash value (URL string length to calculate hash value) |
url_hash_last int |
Use the end part of URL to calculate hash value (URL string length to calculate hash value) |
use_server_status bool |
Use Server-Status header to do URL hashing |
url_switching list |
Field url_switching |
url_switching_type str |
‘contains’= Select service group if URL string contains another string; ‘ends- with’= Select service group if URL string ends with another string; ‘equals’= Select service group if URL string equals another string; ‘starts-with’= Select service group if URL string starts with another string; ‘regex-match’= Select service group if URL string matches with regular expression; ‘url-case- insensitive’= Case insensitive URL switching; ‘url-hits-enable’= Enables URL Hits; |
url_match_string str |
URL String |
url_service_group str |
Create a Service Group comprising Servers (Service Group Name) |
req_hdr_wait_time bool |
HTTP request header wait time before abort connection |
req_hdr_wait_time_val int |
Number of seconds wait for client request header (default is 7) |
request_line_case_insensitive bool |
Parse http request line as case insensitive |
keep_client_alive bool |
Keep client alive |
cookie_format str |
‘rfc6265’= Follow rfc6265; |
prefix str |
‘host’= the cookie will have been set with a Secure attribute, a Path attribute with a value of /, and no Domain attribute; ‘secure’= the cookie will have been set with a Secure attribute; ‘check’= check server prefix and enforce prefix format; |
cookie_samesite str |
‘none’= none; ‘lax’= lax; ‘strict’= strict; |
server_support_http2_only bool |
Notify the vport regarding whether server supports http2 only |
server_support_http2_only_value str |
‘auto-detect’= Commuincate with the server via HTTP/2 when an support- http2-only rport is detected; ‘force’= Communicate with the server via HTTP/2 when possible; |
uuid str |
uuid of the object |
user_tag str |
Customized tag |
http_protocol_check dict |
Field http_protocol_check |
h2up_content_length_alias str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
malformed_h2up_header_value str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
malformed_h2up_scheme_value str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
h2up_with_transfer_encoding str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
multiple_content_length str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
multiple_transfer_encoding str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
transfer_encoding_and_content_length str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and Send 400 to the client side; |
get_and_payload str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
h2up_with_host_and_auth str |
‘drop’= Drop the request and send 400 to the client side; |
uuid str |
uuid of the object |
header_filter_rule_list list |
Field header_filter_rule_list |
Return Values
- modified_values (changed, dict, )
Values modified (or potential changes if using check_mode) as a result of task operation
- axapi_calls (always, list, )
Sequential list of AXAPI calls made by the task
- endpoint (, str, [‘/axapi/v3/slb/virtual_server’, ‘/axapi/v3/file/ssl-cert’])
The AXAPI endpoint being accessed.
- http_method (, str, [‘POST’, ‘GET’])
HTTP method being used by the primary task to interact with the AXAPI endpoint.
- request_body (, complex, )
Params used to query the AXAPI
- response_body (, complex, )
Response from the AXAPI
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.