Logon page configuration
Parameters |
Choices/Defaults |
Comment |
state str/required |
[‘noop’, ‘present’, ‘absent’] |
State of the object to be created. |
ansible_host str/required |
Host for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_username str/required |
Username for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_password str/required |
Password for AXAPI authentication |
ansible_port int/required |
Port for AXAPI authentication |
a10_device_context_id int |
[‘1-8’] |
Device ID for aVCS configuration |
a10_partition str |
Destination/target partition for object/command |
portal_name str/required |
Key to identify parent object |
background dict |
Field background |
bgfile str |
Specify background image filename |
bgstyle str |
‘tile’= Tile; ‘stretch’= Stretch; ‘fit’= Fit; |
bgcolor_name str |
‘aqua’= aqua; ‘black’= black; ‘blue’= blue; ‘fuchsia’= fuchsia; ‘gray’= gray; ‘green’= green; ‘lime’= lime; ‘maroon’= maroon; ‘navy’= navy; ‘olive’= olive; ‘orange’= orange; ‘purple’= purple; ‘red’= red; ‘silver’= silver; ‘teal’= teal; ‘white’= white; ‘yellow’= yellow; |
bgcolor_value str |
Specify 6-digit HEX color value |
fail_msg_cfg dict |
Field fail_msg_cfg |
fail_msg bool |
Configure login failure message in default logon page |
fail_text str |
Specify login failure message (Default= Invalid username or password. Please try again.) |
fail_font bool |
Sepcify font (Default= Arial) |
fail_face str |
‘Arial’= Arial; ‘Courier_New’= Courier New; ‘Georgia’= Georgia; ‘Times_New_Roman’= Times New Roman; ‘Verdana’= Verdana; |
fail_font_custom str |
Specify custom font |
fail_size int |
Specify font size (Default= 5) |
fail_color bool |
Specify font color (Default= red) |
fail_color_name str |
‘aqua’= aqua; ‘black’= black; ‘blue’= blue; ‘fuchsia’= fuchsia; ‘gray’= gray; ‘green’= green; ‘lime’= lime; ‘maroon’= maroon; ‘navy’= navy; ‘olive’= olive; ‘orange’= orange; ‘purple’= purple; ‘red’= red; ‘silver’= silver; ‘teal’= teal; ‘white’= white; ‘yellow’= yellow; |
fail_color_value str |
Specify 6-digit HEX color value |
authz_fail_msg str |
Configure authorization failure message in default logon page, its text attributes follow fail-msg’s (Specify authorization failure message (Default= Authorization failed. Please contact your system administrator.)) |
action_url str |
Specify form action URL in default logon page (Default= /logon.fo) |
username_cfg dict |
Field username_cfg |
username bool |
Configure username text in default logon page |
user_text str |
Specify username text (Default= User Name) |
user_font bool |
Sepcify font (Default= Arial) |
user_face str |
‘Arial’= Arial; ‘Courier_New’= Courier New; ‘Georgia’= Georgia; ‘Times_New_Roman’= Times New Roman; ‘Verdana’= Verdana; |
user_font_custom str |
Specify custom font |
user_size int |
Specify font size (Default= 3) |
user_color bool |
Specify font color (Default= black) |
user_color_name str |
‘aqua’= aqua; ‘black’= black; ‘blue’= blue; ‘fuchsia’= fuchsia; ‘gray’= gray; ‘green’= green; ‘lime’= lime; ‘maroon’= maroon; ‘navy’= navy; ‘olive’= olive; ‘orange’= orange; ‘purple’= purple; ‘red’= red; ‘silver’= silver; ‘teal’= teal; ‘white’= white; ‘yellow’= yellow; |
user_color_value str |
Specify 6-digit HEX color value |
username_var str |
Specify username variable name in default logon page (Default= user) |
password_cfg dict |
Field password_cfg |
password bool |
Configure password text in default logon page |
pass_text str |
Specify password text (Default= Password) |
pass_font bool |
Sepcify font (Default= Arial) |
pass_face str |
‘Arial’= Arial; ‘Courier_New’= Courier New; ‘Georgia’= Georgia; ‘Times_New_Roman’= Times New Roman; ‘Verdana’= Verdana; |
pass_font_custom str |
Specify custom font |
pass_size int |
Specify font size (Default= 3) |
pass_color bool |
Specify font color (Default= black) |
pass_color_name str |
‘aqua’= aqua; ‘black’= black; ‘blue’= blue; ‘fuchsia’= fuchsia; ‘gray’= gray; ‘green’= green; ‘lime’= lime; ‘maroon’= maroon; ‘navy’= navy; ‘olive’= olive; ‘orange’= orange; ‘purple’= purple; ‘red’= red; ‘silver’= silver; ‘teal’= teal; ‘white’= white; ‘yellow’= yellow; |
pass_color_value str |
Specify 6-digit HEX color value |
password_var str |
Specify password variable name in default logon page (Default= pwd) |
enable_passcode bool |
Enable passcode field in default logon page |
passcode_cfg dict |
Field passcode_cfg |
passcode bool |
Configure passcode text in default logon page |
passcode_text str |
Specify passcode text (Default= Passcode) |
passcode_font bool |
Sepcify font (Default= Arial) |
passcode_face str |
‘Arial’= Arial; ‘Courier_New’= Courier New; ‘Georgia’= Georgia; ‘Times_New_Roman’= Times New Roman; ‘Verdana’= Verdana; |
passcode_font_custom str |
Specify custom font |
passcode_size int |
Specify font size (Default= 3) |
passcode_color bool |
Specify font color (Default= black) |
passcode_color_name str |
‘aqua’= aqua; ‘black’= black; ‘blue’= blue; ‘fuchsia’= fuchsia; ‘gray’= gray; ‘green’= green; ‘lime’= lime; ‘maroon’= maroon; ‘navy’= navy; ‘olive’= olive; ‘orange’= orange; ‘purple’= purple; ‘red’= red; ‘silver’= silver; ‘teal’= teal; ‘white’= white; ‘yellow’= yellow; |
passcode_color_value str |
Specify 6-digit HEX color value |
passcode_var str |
Specify passcode variable name in default logon page (Default= passcode) |
enable_CAPTCHA bool |
Enable CAPTCHA in deafult logon page |
captcha_type str |
‘reCAPTCHAv2-checkbox’= Google reCAPTCHAv2 Checkbox; ‘reCAPTCHAv2-invisible’= Google reCAPTCHAv2 Invisible; ‘reCAPTCHAv3’= Google reCAPTCHAv3; |
site_key_string str |
Site key string |
encrypted str |
Do NOT use this option manually. (This is an A10 reserved keyword.) (The ENCRYPTED secret string) |
reCAPTCHA_cfg dict |
Field reCAPTCHA_cfg |
reCAPTCHA_theme str |
‘light’= light theme; ‘dark’= dark theme; |
reCAPTCHA_size str |
‘normal’= normal size; ‘compact’= compact size; |
reCAPTCHA_badge str |
‘bottom-left’= bottom left corner; ‘bottom-right’= bottom right corner; |
reCAPTCHA_action str |
Specify reCAPTCHA action (Specify action string, only accept alphanumeric, underscore, and slash (Default= A10_DEFAULT_LOGON)) |
submit_text str |
Specify submit button text in default logon page (Default= Log In) |
uuid str |
uuid of the object |
Return Values
- modified_values (changed, dict, )
Values modified (or potential changes if using check_mode) as a result of task operation
- axapi_calls (always, list, )
Sequential list of AXAPI calls made by the task
- endpoint (, str, [‘/axapi/v3/slb/virtual_server’, ‘/axapi/v3/file/ssl-cert’])
The AXAPI endpoint being accessed.
- http_method (, str, [‘POST’, ‘GET’])
HTTP method being used by the primary task to interact with the AXAPI endpoint.
- request_body (, complex, )
Params used to query the AXAPI
- response_body (, complex, )
Response from the AXAPI
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.