{ "id":"/axapi/v3/slb/rc-cache-global", "type":"object", "node-type":"scalar", "title":"rc-cache-global", "partition-visibility":"shared", "auto-created-object":1, "description":"global ram cache stats", "properties":{ "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object", "optional":true }, "sampling-enable":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "counters1":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'all': all; 'hits': Cache Hits; 'miss': Cache Misses; 'bytes_served': Bytes Served; 'total_req': Total Requests; 'caching_req': Cacheable Requests; 'nc_req_header': No-cache Request; 'nc_res_header': Not cacheable; 'rv_success': Revalidation Successes; 'rv_failure': Revalidation Failures; 'ims_request': IMS Requests; 'nm_response': Responses from cache 304 Not Modified; 'rsp_type_CL': Responses from server 200 OK - Cont Len; 'rsp_type_CE': Responses from server 200 OK - Chnk Enc; 'rsp_type_304': Responses from server 304 Not Modified; 'rsp_type_other': Responses from server 200 OK - Other; 'rsp_no_compress': Responses from cache 200 OK - No Comp; 'rsp_gzip': Responses from cache 200 OK - Gzip; 'rsp_deflate': Responses from cache 200 OK - Deflate; 'rsp_other': Responses from cache Other; 'nocache_match': Policy URI nocache; 'match': Policy URI cache; 'invalidate_match': Policy URI invalidate; 'content_toobig': Policy Content Too Big; 'content_toosmall': Policy Content Too Small; 'entry_create_failures': Entry Create failures; 'mem_size': Memory Used; 'entry_num': Entry Cached; 'replaced_entry': Entry Replaced; 'aging_entry': Entry Aged Out; 'cleaned_entry': Entry Cleaned; 'rsp_type_stream': Responses from http2 server 200 OK - Stream; 'rsp_br': Responses from cache 200 OK - Brotli; ", "enum":[ "all", "hits", "miss", "bytes_served", "total_req", "caching_req", "nc_req_header", "nc_res_header", "rv_success", "rv_failure", "ims_request", "nm_response", "rsp_type_CL", "rsp_type_CE", "rsp_type_304", "rsp_type_other", "rsp_no_compress", "rsp_gzip", "rsp_deflate", "rsp_other", "nocache_match", "match", "invalidate_match", "content_toobig", "content_toosmall", "entry_create_failures", "mem_size", "entry_num", "replaced_entry", "aging_entry", "cleaned_entry", "rsp_type_stream", "rsp_br" ] } } } ] } } }