{ "id":"/axapi/v3/system/dpdk-stats", "type":"object", "node-type":"scalar", "title":"dpdk-stats", "partition-visibility":"shared", "auto-created-object":1, "description":"List all DPDK error and drop counters", "properties":{ "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object", "optional":true }, "sampling-enable":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "counters1":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'all': all; 'pkt-drop': Total packet drop; 'pkt-lnk-down-drop': Total packets link down drop; 'err-pkt-drop': Total error packet drop; 'rx-err': Total RX packet error; 'tx-err': Total TX packet error; 'tx-drop': Total TX packet drop; 'rx-len-err': Total RX packet length error; 'rx-over-err': Total RX packet over error; 'rx-crc-err': Total RX packet CRC error; 'rx-frame-err': Total RX packet frame error; 'rx-no-buff-err': Total RX packet no buffer error; 'rx-miss-err': Total RX packet miss error; 'tx-abort-err': Total TX packet abort error; 'tx-carrier-err': Total TX packert carrier error; 'tx-fifo-err': Total TX packet fifo error; 'tx-hbeat-err': Total TX packet HBEAT error; 'tx-windows-err': Total TX windows error; 'rx-long-len-err': Total RX packet long length error; 'rx-short-len-err': Total RX packet short length error; 'rx-align-err': Total RX packet align error; 'rx-csum-offload-err': Total Rx packet check-sum offload error; 'io-rx-que-drop': Total IO core Rx queue drop; 'io-tx-que-drop': Total IO core TX queue drop; 'io-ring-drop': Total IO core ring drop; 'w-tx-que-drop': Total worker core queue drop; 'w-link-down-drop': Total worker core link down drop; 'w-ring-drop': Total worker core ring drop; ", "enum":[ "all", "pkt-drop", "pkt-lnk-down-drop", "err-pkt-drop", "rx-err", "tx-err", "tx-drop", "rx-len-err", "rx-over-err", "rx-crc-err", "rx-frame-err", "rx-no-buff-err", "rx-miss-err", "tx-abort-err", "tx-carrier-err", "tx-fifo-err", "tx-hbeat-err", "tx-windows-err", "rx-long-len-err", "rx-short-len-err", "rx-align-err", "rx-csum-offload-err", "io-rx-que-drop", "io-tx-que-drop", "io-ring-drop", "w-tx-que-drop", "w-link-down-drop", "w-ring-drop" ] } } } ] } } }