{ "id":"/axapi/v3/slb/health-stat", "type":"object", "node-type":"scalar", "title":"health-stat", "partition-visibility":"shared", "auto-created-object":1, "description":"Configure health monitor", "properties":{ "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object", "optional":true }, "sampling-enable":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "counters1":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'all': all; 'num_burst': Number of burst; 'max_jiffie': Maximum number of jiffies; 'min_jiffie': Minimum number of jiffies; 'avg_jiffie': Average number of jiffies; 'open_socket': Number of open sockets; 'open_socket_failed': Number of failed open sockets; 'close_socket': Number of closed sockets; 'connect_failed': Number of failed connections; 'send_packet': Number of packets sent; 'send_packet_failed': Number of packet send failures; 'recv_packet': Number of received packets; 'recv_packet_failed': Number of failed packet receives; 'retry_times': Retry times; 'timeout': Timouet value; 'unexpected_error': Number of unexpected errors; 'conn_imdt_succ': Number of connection immediete success; 'sock_close_before_17': Number of sockets closed before l7; 'sock_close_without_notify': Number of sockets closed without notify; 'curr_health_rate': Current health rate; 'ext_health_rate': External health rate; 'ext_health_rate_val': External health rate value; 'total_number': Total number; 'status_up': Number of status ups; 'status_down': Number of status downs; 'status_unkn': Number of status unknowns; 'status_other': Number of other status; 'running_time': Running time; 'config_health_rate': Config health rate; 'ssl_post_handshake_packet': Number of ssl post handshake packets before client sends request; 'timeout_with_packet': Number of pin timeouts while socket has packets; ", "enum":[ "all", "num_burst", "max_jiffie", "min_jiffie", "avg_jiffie", "open_socket", "open_socket_failed", "close_socket", "connect_failed", "send_packet", "send_packet_failed", "recv_packet", "recv_packet_failed", "retry_times", "timeout", "unexpected_error", "conn_imdt_succ", "sock_close_before_17", "sock_close_without_notify", "curr_health_rate", "ext_health_rate", "ext_health_rate_val", "total_number", "status_up", "status_down", "status_unkn", "status_other", "running_time", "config_health_rate", "ssl_post_handshake_packet", "timeout_with_packet" ] } } } ] } } }