{ "id":"/axapi/v3/fw/template/logging/{name}", "type":"object", "node-type":"list", "title":"logging", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Logging Template", "properties":{ "name":{ "type":"string", "format":"string-rlx", "minLength":1, "maxLength":63, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Logging Template Name", "optional":false }, "resolution":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "default":"seconds", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'seconds': Logging timestamp resolution in seconds (default); '10-milliseconds': Logging timestamp resolution in 10s of milli-seconds; ", "enum":[ "seconds", "10-milliseconds" ], "optional":true }, "include-dest-fqdn":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Include destination FQDN string", "optional":true }, "merged-style":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Merge creation and deletion of session logs to one", "optional":true }, "log":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "http-requests":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'host': Log the HTTP Host Header; 'url': Log the HTTP Request URL; ", "enum":[ "host", "url" ] } } }, "include-radius-attribute":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "attr-cfg":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "attr":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'imei': Include IMEI; 'imsi': Include IMSI; 'msisdn': Include MSISDN; 'custom1': Customized attribute 1; 'custom2': Customized attribute 2; 'custom3': Customized attribute 3; 'custom4': Customized attribute 4; 'custom5': Customized attribute 5; 'custom6': Customized attribute 6; ", "enum":[ "imei", "imsi", "msisdn", "custom1", "custom2", "custom3", "custom4", "custom5", "custom6" ] }, "attr-event":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'http-requests': Include in HTTP request logs; 'sessions': Include in session logs; 'limit-policy': Include in limit policy logs; ", "enum":[ "http-requests", "sessions", "limit-policy" ] } } } ] }, "no-quote":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"No quotation marks for RADIUS attributes in logs" }, "framed-ipv6-prefix":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Include radius attributes for the prefix" }, "prefix-length":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'32': Prefix length 32; '48': Prefix length 48; '64': Prefix length 64; '80': Prefix length 80; '96': Prefix length 96; '112': Prefix length 112; ", "enum":[ "32", "48", "64", "80", "96", "112" ] }, "insert-if-not-existing":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Configure what string is to be inserted for custom RADIUS attributes" }, "zero-in-custom-attr":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Insert 0000 for standard and custom attributes in log string" } } }, "include-http":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "header-cfg":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "http-header":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'cookie': Log HTTP Cookie Header; 'referer': Log HTTP Referer Header; 'user-agent': Log HTTP User-Agent Header; 'header1': Log HTTP Header 1; 'header2': Log HTTP Header 2; 'header3': Log HTTP Header 3; ", "enum":[ "cookie", "referer", "user-agent", "header1", "header2", "header3" ] }, "max-length":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":100, "maximum":1000, "default":100, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Max length for a HTTP request log (Max header length (Default: 100 char))" }, "custom-header-name":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":63, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Header name" }, "custom-max-length":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":100, "maximum":1000, "default":100, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Max length for a HTTP request log (Max header length (Default: 100 char))" } } } ] }, "l4-session-info":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Log the L4 session information of the HTTP request" }, "method":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Log the HTTP Request Method" }, "request-number":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"HTTP Request Number" }, "file-extension":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"HTTP file extension" } } }, "rule":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "rule-http-requests":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "dest-port":{ "type":"array", "minItems":1, "items":{ "type":"object" }, "uniqueItems":true, "array":[ { "properties":{ "dest-port-number":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":1, "maximum":65535, "partition-visibility":"shared" }, "include-byte-count":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Include the byte count of HTTP Request/Response in FW session deletion logs" } } } ] }, "log-every-http-request":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Log every HTTP request in an HTTP 1.1 session (Default: Log the first HTTP request in a session)" }, "max-url-len":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":100, "maximum":1000, "default":128, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Max length of URL log (Max URL length (Default: 128 char))" }, "include-all-headers":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Include all configured headers despite of absence in HTTP request" }, "disable-sequence-check":{ "type":"number", "format":"flag", "default":0, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Disable http packet sequence check and don't drop out of order packets" } } } } }, "facility":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "default":"local0", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'kernel': 0: Kernel; 'user': 1: User-level; 'mail': 2: Mail; 'daemon': 3: System daemons; 'security-authorization': 4: Security/authorization; 'syslog': 5: Syslog internal; 'line-printer': 6: Line printer; 'news': 7: Network news; 'uucp': 8: UUCP subsystem; 'cron': 9: Time-related; 'security-authorization-private': 10: Private security/authorization; 'ftp': 11: FTP; 'ntp': 12: NTP; 'audit': 13: Audit; 'alert': 14: Alert; 'clock': 15: Clock-related; 'local0': 16: Local use 0; 'local1': 17: Local use 1; 'local2': 18: Local use 2; 'local3': 19: Local use 3; 'local4': 20: Local use 4; 'local5': 21: Local use 5; 'local6': 22: Local use 6; 'local7': 23: Local use 7; ", "enum":[ "kernel", "user", "mail", "daemon", "security-authorization", "syslog", "line-printer", "news", "uucp", "cron", "security-authorization-private", "ftp", "ntp", "audit", "alert", "clock", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4", "local5", "local6", "local7" ], "optional":true }, "severity":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "default":"informational", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'emergency': 0: Emergency; 'alert': 1: Alert; 'critical': 2: Critical; 'error': 3: Error; 'warning': 4: Warning; 'notice': 5: Notice; 'informational': 6: Informational; 'debug': 7: Debug; ", "enum":[ "emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "informational", "debug" ], "optional":true }, "format":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "default":"cef", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'ascii': A10 Text logging format (ASCII); 'cef': Common Event Format for logging (default); ", "enum":[ "ascii", "cef" ], "optional":true }, "service-group":{ "type":"string", "format":"string-rlx", "minLength":1, "maxLength":127, "partition-visibility":"shared", "$ref":"/axapi/v3/fw/service-group", "description":"Bind a Service Group to the logging template (Service Group Name)", "optional":true }, "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object", "optional":true }, "user-tag":{ "type":"string", "format":"string-rlx", "minLength":1, "maxLength":127, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Customized tag", "optional":true }, "session-periodic-log":{ "type":"object", "$ref":"/axapi/v3/fw/template/logging/{name}/session-periodic-log", "properties":{ "interval":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":1, "maximum":60, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Logging time interval (minutes) for long lived sessions" }, "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object" } } }, "source-address":{ "type":"object", "$ref":"/axapi/v3/fw/template/logging/{name}/source-address", "properties":{ "ip":{ "type":"string", "format":"ipv4-address", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Specify source IP address" }, "ipv6":{ "type":"string", "format":"ipv6-address", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Specify source IPv6 address" }, "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object" } } } }, "object-keys":[ "name" ], "required":[ "name" ] }