{ "id":"/axapi/v3/debug/hm", "type":"object", "node-type":"scalar", "title":"hm", "operation-not-allowed": ["PUT"], "partition-visibility":"shared", "operational":1, "description":"Debug health monitor", "properties":{ "level":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":1, "maximum":3, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Debug level (Level 1-3)", "optional":true }, "pin-uid":{ "type":"number", "format":"number", "minimum":1, "maximum":2000000000, "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"Debug Pin Unique Id", "optional":true }, "method-type":{ "type":"string", "format":"enum", "partition-visibility":"shared", "description":"'icmp': ICMP type; 'tcp': TCP type; 'udp': UDP type; 'ftp': FTP type; 'http': HTTP type; 'snmp': SNMP type; 'smtp': SMTP type; 'dns': DNS type; 'dns-tcp': DNS TCP type; 'pop3': POP3 type; 'imap': IMAP type; 'sip': SIP type; 'sip-tcp': SIP TCP type; 'radius': RADIUS type; 'ldap': LDAP type; 'rtsp': RTSP type; 'kerberos-kdc': Kerberos KDC type; 'database': DATABASE type; 'external': EXTERNAL type; 'https': HTTPS type; 'ntp': NTP type; 'compound': Compound type; ", "enum":[ "icmp", "tcp", "udp", "ftp", "http", "snmp", "smtp", "dns", "dns-tcp", "pop3", "imap", "sip", "sip-tcp", "radius", "ldap", "rtsp", "kerberos-kdc", "database", "external", "https", "ntp", "compound" ], "optional":true }, "uuid":{ "type":"string", "format":"string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "partition-visibility":"shared", "modify-not-allowed":1, "description":"uuid of the object", "optional":true } } }